Happened to me last Friday on a mpc 4502 and again this morning on a mpc 2003. Followed procedure for fusing belt replacement and when powering on always has a sc552 code regardless of what I do. Currently awaiting call from tech support. Anyone had these issues? Really bad when you have to leave a customer down after returning with parts. :/
Sc 552 after fuser belt replacements!
Re: Sc 552 after fuser belt replacements!
There is a fuse and a special reset procedure for this. Replace the fuse in the fuser unit and execute sp5810-002, then reboot machine.NEVER ASSUME ANYTHINGComment
Re: Sc 552 after fuser belt replacements!
Happened to me last Friday on a mpc 4502 and again this morning on a mpc 2003. Followed procedure for fusing belt replacement and when powering on always has a sc552 code regardless of what I do. Currently awaiting call from tech support. Anyone had these issues? Really bad when you have to leave a customer down after returning with parts. :/
reset any of the items needed in SM?
what was the reason for the replacement? any codes before replacement?
so many questions you didn't cover.Comment