MPC2011 using

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  • keithxxiii
    Just a tech

    250+ Posts
    • Nov 2014
    • 469


    MPC2011 using

    Hi folks,

    Just wanna ask if you have configured Ricoh MPC2011 using gmail smtp.
    I had a call about 6 months back requesting to configure scan to email using gmail smtp. Tried every possible way like configuring other machines.
    Today I had another 1.

    administrator email (
    smtp server (
    port (587, tried with 465)
    SSL (ON)
    smtp authentication (
    smtp email address (
    encryption (tried with auto, on and off)

    allow less secure apps is (ON)

    Tried with a working configuration using a gmail address as well.

    This normally works with other 03 and 04 devices.
    Is there anyone from the team who faced the same issue?
    Aye! Cut the crap
  • mincopier
    Trusted Tech

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    Re: MPC2011 using

    First update the firmware. Make sure the Admin Email is the same as the authenticated email. It may also be possible the machine is too old to use Gmail or Office365. If that does not work try using on port 2525. No authentication. Make sure the admin email has an actual domain name to the right of the "@" symbol. Appriver this way maybe a little slow but usually works.


    • sandmanmac
      Field Supervisor

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      Re: MPC2011 using

      Originally posted by mincopier
      If that does not work try using on port 2525. No authentication.
      This is very handy information.
      I've read a lot of info about scan to email, and I myself typically use smtp2go when the need arises on older machines that don't support encryption, etc., and I've never heard of this service, but I just tried this on my home machine and it worked perfectly.
      It doesn't get any easier.
      Last edited by sandmanmac; 12-23-2018, 06:32 PM.


      • slimslob

        Site Contributor
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        Re: MPC2011 using

        Try using:
        administrator email (
        smtp server (
        port (25)
        SSL (OFF)
        smtp authentication (
        smtp email address ( must be a valid email account and must have allow less secure apps (ON)

        If is a Google Suite account or part of a Google Apps domain you may have to modify you MX records. Contact Google Suite support for details or Google


        • bsm2
          IT Manager

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          Re: MPC2011 using

          add to DNS


          • D_L_P
            Self Employed

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            Re: MPC2011 using

            Originally posted by keithxxiii
            Hi folks,

            Just wanna ask if you have configured Ricoh MPC2011 using gmail smtp.
            I had a call about 6 months back requesting to configure scan to email using gmail smtp. Tried every possible way like configuring other machines.
            Today I had another 1.

            administrator email (
            smtp server (
            port (587, tried with 465)
            SSL (ON)
            smtp authentication (
            smtp email address (
            encryption (tried with auto, on and off)

            allow less secure apps is (ON)

            Tried with a working configuration using a gmail address as well.

            This normally works with other 03 and 04 devices.
            Is there anyone from the team who faced the same issue?
            I see you've turned on the allow less secure apps, but is this a Google for business account? A few times Google has burned me with that. Twice now I've seen this where it lets you set it and looks like it is set but it really ins't. Only after trying a second time does it give some message about only an admin can change this setting.

            Logon to:

            From there set the allow less secure apps. It was really frustrating because the slider was set and there was no warning. Only when I tried turning it off/on again did I get the message and even then it still let me move the slider. I hope Google fixes that soon.


            • keithxxiii
              Just a tech

              250+ Posts
              • Nov 2014
              • 469

              Re: MPC2011 using

              Originally posted by D_L_P
              I see you've turned on the allow less secure apps, but is this a Google for business account? A few times Google has burned me with that. Twice now I've seen this where it lets you set it and looks like it is set but it really ins't. Only after trying a second time does it give some message about only an admin can change this setting.

              Logon to:

              From there set the allow less secure apps. It was really frustrating because the slider was set and there was no warning. Only when I tried turning it off/on again did I get the message and even then it still let me move the slider. I hope Google fixes that soon.
              It's a newly created google account. I've been setting up scan to emails before with other machines using office365 and local smtp relays from clients. I even tried smtp2go but no luck. It's a small office on a workgroup setup. DNS is set as well. I'm gonna try to setup the and but the customer is on holidays. I will give an update as soon as they ring me back.
              Aye! Cut the crap


              • keithxxiii
                Just a tech

                250+ Posts
                • Nov 2014
                • 469

                Re: MPC2011 using

                Originally posted by mincopier
                First update the firmware. Make sure the Admin Email is the same as the authenticated email. It may also be possible the machine is too old to use Gmail or Office365. If that does not work try using on port 2525. No authentication. Make sure the admin email has an actual domain name to the right of the "@" symbol. Appriver this way maybe a little slow but usually works.
                MPC2011 is a base model of MPC2003. The web interface is the same. Firmwares are up to date as I updated it using @remote.
                I will play with appriver in my lab first then try to set up there.
                Aye! Cut the crap


                • mincopier
                  Trusted Tech

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                  • Dec 2015
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                  Re: MPC2011 using

                  Just looked up the MP C2011. On theRicoh TSRC site it did not show up. Did a global search on Google and came across it. It looks to have the first Gen of the Smart Op Panel. It is curious that G-mail is not working.

                  Another thing that I have come across is sometimes you may need to log in to the G-Mail account and give permission through an incoming email. Sometimes G-Mail, especially if the account was created offsite, detects the login as an attempted unauthorized login of the account.

                  Not having access to the firmware for this machine I cannot double firmware problems and levels.

                  for the on port 25 I have not tried in a long time. When I did use this server it was without authentication. It is my understanding that with this server it only sends to other G-mail accounts. Now that was without using authentication. With authentication it should send anyplace.

                  May also be possible that the customers network may have the SMTP protocol blocked for certain IP ranges.


                  • keithxxiii
                    Just a tech

                    250+ Posts
                    • Nov 2014
                    • 469

                    Re: MPC2011 using


                    I went to the customer's place and found out that the router they were connected to is an AP extension from the next office. I am suspecting that the ports were blocked. I was fortunate that I had my Netgear Adapter with me which I use for extending wireless. I connected the device and used my 3G for tethering so to have internet access. Upon testing, it worked fine.

                    Thanks for your suggestions.
                    Aye! Cut the crap

