I got a call on this machine 3 hours away. I get there and am told the "Other functions" button doesn't work. They used it to attache documents to scans. You press the button and it just beeps. The first thing I think of is firmware. When I go to put the card in, I see the java card popped out. I power down , insert card, reboot and still broke. I load firmware, no fix. I ask more questions and finally get this.
Ricoh was providing service until I took over. Two weeks earlier, there as a short in the network cable and a board was replaced. I assume it was the controller board. That is when they lost the feature. I can find nothing in the manual about having to do something to activate it. Am I missing something? Did the other guy put in a bad board. The customer is a Wells Fargo location, so just swapping a board can be an issue, the way they do security.
Ricoh was providing service until I took over. Two weeks earlier, there as a short in the network cable and a board was replaced. I assume it was the controller board. That is when they lost the feature. I can find nothing in the manual about having to do something to activate it. Am I missing something? Did the other guy put in a bad board. The customer is a Wells Fargo location, so just swapping a board can be an issue, the way they do security.