I have printed yesterday evening successfully on a c5502 with a port.
This morning - after i swapped the LAN cable to a c4502 - no printing, no WIM contact happend. Ping was ok.
So i put the LAN cable back in the c5502 ... and the same problem.
I took a 100% curtain good cable and wanted to remove and reinstall the driver.
But this driver always pushed itself back in the list with that port .61, I was not able to remove it.
So i put on DHCP, and it gave an IP address way out of the domain (110.200.XX.X. subnet
So i opened the driver and put in another port: and ok!
I thought maybe you were interested in this event.
This morning - after i swapped the LAN cable to a c4502 - no printing, no WIM contact happend. Ping was ok.
So i put the LAN cable back in the c5502 ... and the same problem.
I took a 100% curtain good cable and wanted to remove and reinstall the driver.
But this driver always pushed itself back in the list with that port .61, I was not able to remove it.
So i put on DHCP, and it gave an IP address way out of the domain (110.200.XX.X. subnet
So i opened the driver and put in another port: and ok!
I thought maybe you were interested in this event.