I am totally clueless why the scan to ftp to ricoh doesnt work..
I use windows IIS ftp.Usually this doesnt give any issue like smb version.
but the scanning just failed.
What i have troubleshoot so far.
recreate the ftp IIS path done
check the username and password is correct.
check the IP done
ftp firewall add to exception done
advanced firewall sharing port 21 dont block inbound and outbound done
removed antivirus and disable defender done
no vpn software running.
reinstall the network lan driver done.
check network sharing it's enabled.
scanning still failed.
but if i tested it with my computer, configuration is just straight forward and its working properly
I use windows IIS ftp.Usually this doesnt give any issue like smb version.
but the scanning just failed.

What i have troubleshoot so far.
recreate the ftp IIS path done
check the username and password is correct.
check the IP done
ftp firewall add to exception done
advanced firewall sharing port 21 dont block inbound and outbound done
removed antivirus and disable defender done
no vpn software running.
reinstall the network lan driver done.
check network sharing it's enabled.
scanning still failed.
but if i tested it with my computer, configuration is just straight forward and its working properly
