FAX question on MP1515

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  • rednecktech

    50+ Posts
    • Jan 2010
    • 54


    FAX question on MP1515

    Hello All!!

    I have a MP1515 that whenever someone sends a "invoice size" which is smaller than 8.5 x 11, the machine says out of paper load A4. These are invoices like out of an invoice pad. Of course anything that comes in after this is locked into memory. Is there any way I can tell the machine to print faxes on 8.5x11 no matter what size paper the sender is sending? Thanks!!
  • Vulkor
    Senior Tech

    500+ Posts
    • Jun 2009
    • 942

    I can only tell you yes. I am pretty darn sure you can. It is a BitSwitch Setting. Best bet is call the Hotline on this one.


    • Jomama46
      Field Supervisor

      Site Contributor
      2,500+ Posts
      • Apr 2008
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      change the paper selection from auto to 8.5 x ll. or whatever size you have loaded in the tray.
      You never realize how cheap a professional is until after you let an amateur do it.
      A+; Network +; PDI+

