Hi, all. I have a customer that is getting rid of his old Toshiba and we are installing a Ricoh 2051. He has a HECON Quick key that he wants to swap to the Ricoh. As I have never dealt with this type of counting system, what do I need to do and/or purchase to install it on the B140?
Hecon quick key/ ricoh 2051
I think there is a 4 pin plug on the right side of the machine that you use for the Hecon, then go to UT>SS>Admin tools>key counter management.
I dont remember if there is a jumper in the 4 pin plug or whether the UT will disable it. But you'll figure it out from there.sigpic
You never realize how cheap a professional is until after you let an amateur do it.
A+; Network +; PDI+ -
Hey, plug and play sounds good. I'll check that out when I'm over there tomorrow.NEVER ASSUME ANYTHINGComment
Just an update
I ordered the standard Ricoh interface harness from the Hecon distributer ($65.00 for a $5.00 harness) plugged it in and set it up as Jomama suggested as key counter. Other than deleting user codes, that was it. In and out in 30. I love it when a plan comes together.NEVER ASSUME ANYTHINGComment
I ordered the standard Ricoh interface harness from the Hecon distributer ($65.00 for a $5.00 harness) plugged it in and set it up as Jomama suggested as key counter. Other than deleting user codes, that was it. In and out in 30. I love it when a plan comes together.sigpic
You never realize how cheap a professional is until after you let an amateur do it.
A+; Network +; PDI+Comment