Desktopbinder alternative

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  • Prodigal Son
    Trusted Tech

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    Desktopbinder alternative

    Hey guys,

    Desktopbinder works to compose multiple documents into a single one, and that's what my customer is after. Unfortunally they don't support 64 bit operating systems yet and no one knows if or when that's coming. So I'm looking for alternatives. I know Sharp uses Sharpdesk, and Paperport is another, but does anyone know of any other simliar software?

    Peace sells, but who's buying?
  • msaeger
    Trusted Tech

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    I have always told people to just send all the individual files to the document server. Then they can select them all and print them in sets.


    • KenB
      Geek Extraordinaire

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      I wouldn't hold my breath on that one; Ricoh PPDM is the replacement for Desktop Binder.

      PPDM is officially supported on Vista 64 bit, but no word on Windows 7 (at least in the PS Guide).

      I would imagine it would be OK, but would need to verify.
      “I think you should treat good friends like a fine wine. That’s why I keep mine locked up in the basement.” - Tim Hawkins


      • pmtvn
        • Oct 2008
        • 16

        I have just bought new lap with Win 7 64 bit and could not install Destopbinder anymore. Always error, I have been searching around and as I have read, may be Ricoh PPDM is a replacement for Destopbinderin Win 7 64 bit but I could not find a download in internet.
        Could anyone have this program come with Ricoh, pl. upload for me,

        Thanks a lot,



        • KenB
          Geek Extraordinaire

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          PPDM isn't free, and you can only buy it from an authorized dealer.
          “I think you should treat good friends like a fine wine. That’s why I keep mine locked up in the basement.” - Tim Hawkins


          • pmtvn
            • Oct 2008
            • 16

            I see, so I should revert my lap to win 7 32 bit.
            Destopbinder works fine with win 7 32 bit,


            • Prodigal Son
              Trusted Tech

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              In the end, I had to buy a Paperport license in order to get it to work for the customer I initially posted this question for. It worked, but to what satisfaction degree is a another story...
              Peace sells, but who's buying?


              • Frustrated



                • Prodigal Son
                  Trusted Tech

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                  Re: Desktopbinder alternative

                  Frustrated; I'm not exactly sure what either PaperPort or DesktopBinder can actually do, but you can download DTB here if you'd like to install it again DeskTopBinder
                  I think you might need to install a Ricoh RPCS driver to get it to work properly, but I'm not sure. You don't need a Ricoh printer though, you can use the app anyways.

                  Paperport can do a whole lot more but I'm, as I said, not sure what exactly. I just know it comes with dozens of functions.
                  Peace sells, but who's buying?


                  • Voltage
                    Trusted Tech

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                    Re: Desktopbinder alternative


                    I also have a client that is looking for a alternative to DTB. They use DTB for one reason only. To combine word documents into one and to print in booklet.

                    That create home schooling books. Each word document is a chaper. Ex

                    Chapter 1.docx
                    Chapter 2.docx
                    Chapter 3.docx

                    They are then selected and printed in booklet form.
                    I have tried paperport v14 but can not find this funtion. Maybe i am just missing it.

                    Help please


                    • Prodigal Son
                      Trusted Tech

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                      Re: Desktopbinder alternative

                      Hi Voltage,

                      Sorry but I dont think I'll be of much use in this. It was some years back so I'm afraid I've forgotten what I did to solve the problem, but I believe I did manage to do it with Paperport after some fiddeling around. Cant tell you more details, sorry.

                      To this day, this specific need has no other solution to my knowledge. You'll have to persuade the customer to change their procedures, it's the only way if you cant get it working somehow. Usually there are better ways too, if you just look broad enough.

                      Say for instance they buy Adobe Acrobat Pro, then they can put documents together from all kinds of formats, although it's not as extensive as DTB and it's a somewhat different procedure. Might just be enough though. And if memory serves me right Acrobat is cheaper than Paperport too.

                      I hope you find a way.
                      Peace sells, but who's buying?


                      • Iowatech
                        Not a service manager

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                        • Dec 2009
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                        Re: Desktopbinder alternative

                        I was a long time user of Paperport, but I stopped upgrading at version 9. As Paperport 9 doesn't work on Windows 8, I haven't used Paperport for some time, so take this with a grain of salt.
                        But if version 14 is anything like version 9, you can change file formats by choosing "Save as" and then selecting the desired format from a drop down list. Version 9 might have been kind of limited, you could select between several different Paperport formats as well as PDF, JPEG and TIFF if I remember correctly.
                        Also, you combined scanned images of separate documents into one in Version 9 by dragging the icon for one document on top of another. I always did that with the images being in the native Paperport format, so I don't know if that works for other formats.
                        Version 9 had some image editing tools where you could annotate documents a couple of ways, straighten skewed scans manually or automatically (automatic straightening appeared to depend on horizontal or vertical lines in the image as far as I could tell, so the manual tool was pretty useful), crop and area selection tools that were handy to get rid of blemishes like shadows from the edges or creases in the original document, and a few line and shape tools. There were some other tools I didn't use, as I mainly used Paperport to scan documents to be faxed or create PDFs to be emailed and as a way to manage and store scanned images.
                        I'd like to get the newer version of Paperport as I found it very useful for years (at least since Win98), but that part of my budget is currently being superseded by house and insurance payments. Oh well.


                        • slimslob

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                          Re: Desktopbinder alternative

                          Originally posted by pmtvn
                          I see, so I should revert my lap to win 7 32 bit.
                          Destopbinder works fine with win 7 32 bit,
                          I don't know if it will work, but have you tried running DTB on Win 7 X64 in 32 bit compatibility mode? You might have to run the install program in 32 bit mode.

