MP 7500 blurry copy

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  • aabarnes1
    Senior Tech
    • Mar 2009
    • 620

    MP 7500 blurry copy

    When copying a text document using photo/text and auto density settings the result is perfect. However when I use the same document but increase it from a4 to a3 the top half of the page is very dark and smudged looking-almost blurred. However when I select photo mode it is fine! It is particularly bad when there is any really dark or bold text on the page. I have never come accross this before - has anybody else?
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
  • tcs04
    FORMER Techie
    1,000+ Posts
    • Apr 2009
    • 1183

    Originally posted by aabarnes1
    When copying a text document using photo/text and auto density settings the result is perfect. However when I use the same document but increase it from a4 to a3 the top half of the page is very dark and smudged looking-almost blurred. However when I select photo mode it is fine! It is particularly bad when there is any really dark or bold text on the page. I have never come accross this before - has anybody else?
    I assume you are setting an A4R (SEF) original in the ADF and enlarging to A3? What happens if you use A4LEF and auto enlarge (rotate) to A3? This will tell you if it's a scanner or engine problem.

    If you make up a duplex original, does the fault occur on both sides? and rotate in auto reduce enlarge?

