Are there any guides for setting up the wireless option on the C2050?
You never realize how cheap a professional is until after you let an amateur do it.
A+; Network +; PDI+ -
Do you have the service manual? It is in Section 2.22.6, Page 143 in Adobe Acrobat. Or are you talking about the Software Portion?
Software you go into Usertools, System Settings, Interface Settings, Change Connection or Network Type (I can't remember) from Wired to Wireless. Then you log out of user Tools. Log back in to where we were and you will see Wireless Settings. It will ask you to manually type SSID, and PASSWORD, if your password is one of them long HEX ones I am sorry for you. -
OK Thanks. I have had a few go real easy and others that wouldnt go at all, so was looking for something that I was missing doing.Maybe it was the logout then login again.sigpic
You never realize how cheap a professional is until after you let an amateur do it.
A+; Network +; PDI+Comment