LD655C sc 547 issues

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  • Counsel
    Senior Tech

    500+ Posts
    • Aug 2011
    • 530

    LD655C sc 547 issues

    Hi all,

    Just wondering if anyone has run across this model giving a 547 code. Its a zero cross error. Initially i updated the firmware the first time it happened that didnt help, also had a power moniter on the outlet which doesnt seem to be a miss. Oddly it only gives off this code during the morning hours about the first hour or two of business usually right when someone tries to print. The rest of the day I can't get it to throw the code when printing/copying going in and out energy saver or power off, I can't get it to do it. It will run the rest of the day fine once the code is reset but then does it the next morning.

    Before i go replacing psu or relays or fuser I was wondering if anyone else has run into this on this model, these are faily new to our market with only a few customers getting them recently I haven't really experienced many issues with them until this one. Any suggestions before I just start swapping out parts on it.