MPC3501 Failed to write logs to the log collection server.

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  • zames77
    Tweak it till it breaks!

    100+ Posts
    • Jan 2010
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    [Misc] MPC3501 Failed to write logs to the log collection server.

    Originally went in for an issue where the screen would be blank, but with a message in the bottom left corner Log Data Capacity Will Be Full. I went in through the WIM and checked that the logs were turned off, they were, I deleted the logs, and then changed them to Active but Do Not Collect. On boot up got the message about unable to write to the log collection server. After another reboot this goes away, but after changing the again to inactive through the WIM the message reappears.

    This machine has been on site about three to four months, is a refurb and suspect had @remote installed on it. The settings have been cleared for that, and I've formatted the HDD which hasn't made any difference.

    I can't find any instances of the IP address it's trying to send to in the SP's. The only other factor is Equitrac is installed with PCC.

    Im at a loss as to what is triggering this.

    Your thoughts guys.
  • Jomama46
    Field Supervisor

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    Re: MPC3501 Failed to write logs to the log collection server.

    You may have to clear the NVRAM. Be sure and have a "defaults" list out of the smc list.
    You never realize how cheap a professional is until after you let an amateur do it.
    A+; Network +; PDI+


    • zames77
      Tweak it till it breaks!

      100+ Posts
      • Jan 2010
      • 121

      Re: MPC3501 Failed to write logs to the log collection server.

      Thanks Jomama46, I didn't think to try that at the time, good point, I'll give that a go on my next visit in.


      • Jomama46
        Field Supervisor

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        Re: MPC3501 Failed to write logs to the log collection server.

        I rarely recommend that solution but this may be one of those situations seeing how it used to have @remote. Be sure and print out the SMC lists
        You never realize how cheap a professional is until after you let an amateur do it.
        A+; Network +; PDI+


        • zames77
          Tweak it till it breaks!

          100+ Posts
          • Jan 2010
          • 121

          Re: MPC3501 Failed to write logs to the log collection server.


          So I've now tried an NVRAM clear and formatted the HDD again and still have the same issue.

          I don't really want to go down the changing boards road, because essentially it's a very minor issue and doesn't warrant the expense, it just bugs me I haven't found a fix for it yet and it's already eaten up a lot of my time.

          Any other ideas guys?


          • bornay

            Re: MPC3501 Failed to write logs to the log collection server.

            Originally posted by zames77

            So I've now tried an NVRAM clear and formatted the HDD again and still have the same issue.

            I don't really want to go down the changing boards road, because essentially it's a very minor issue and doesn't warrant the expense, it just bugs me I haven't found a fix for it yet and it's already eaten up a lot of my time.

            Any other ideas guys?
            I found a solution a few minutes ago but machine will not log to the collection server.

            We need to check if the SP:5848-213 is correct.

            If you have same message although checked, then clear this SP.

