Ricoh MP C4501 Admin Password

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  • iam3rr0r

    Ricoh MP C4501 Admin Password


    Prior to posting this, I had searched through the Ricoh forum on here to find any info I could on a problem I'm having; however I'm not having much luck nailing it down. My apologies if this has already been covered elsewhere.

    We have several Ricoh MP C4000 (C4000 and C4501) series copiers where the admin & supervisor passwords have been set and long forgotten. To avoid the "red tape" and headache of replacing the NVRAM on all units, I've been trying to find a workaround to reset the passwords(or machine) to default.

    Ive tried entering SP Mode to clear all the memory--no luck (assuming because the passwords are on the NVRAM). Can't get in from the device itself nor the web console. I stumbled across this post and wondered if it may be what I'm looking for. seems like it. Before I attempt it, does anyone know if this will indeed work for my device(s)? If not, does anyone know of any other methods i should try?

    Perhaps I should just move the copiers under a leaky pipe and collect insurance?

    Before I resort to locating the plumbing schematics of my building, can anyone help me? Any help is appreciated!
  • slimslob

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    Re: Ricoh MP C4501 Admin Password

    There is a method in one of the threads for downloading the NVRAM contents to an SD card, then editing the contents to reset the password and upload the edited content back to the NVRAM. You will have to do it for each machine. If you choose to use this method, it would be a good idea on the first attempt to make a safety backup of the NVRAM contents. Actually, it is a good idea to make a safety backup of all NVRAMs. Then if you have a machine blow one, or as we had once, a pin on the NVRAM break off, you don't loose all settings.


    • iam3rr0r

      Re: Ricoh MP C4501 Admin Password

      Originally posted by slimslob
      There is a method in one of the threads for downloading the NVRAM contents to an SD card, then editing the contents to reset the password and upload the edited content back to the NVRAM. You will have to do it for each machine. If you choose to use this method, it would be a good idea on the first attempt to make a safety backup of the NVRAM contents. Actually, it is a good idea to make a safety backup of all NVRAMs. Then if you have a machine blow one, or as we had once, a pin on the NVRAM break off, you don't loose all settings.

      Thank you!


      • sandmanmac
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        Re: Ricoh MP C4501 Admin Password

        Originally posted by iam3rr0r

        Ive tried entering SP Mode to clear all the memory--no luck (assuming because the passwords are on the NVRAM). Can't get in from the device

        Perhaps I should just move the copiers under a leaky pipe and collect insurance?
        If you performed a FULL memory clear, have you since thoroughly tested the machines - specifically full-colour scanning and copying?" That insurance claim might not be such a bad idea if you don't have the birth certificates for them.
        (Hopefully you only tried it on one of them).


        • slimslob

          Site Contributor
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          • May 2013
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          Re: Ricoh MP C4501 Admin Password

          Originally posted by sandmanmac
          If you performed a FULL memory clear, have you since thoroughly tested the machines - specifically full-colour scanning and copying?" That insurance claim might not be such a bad idea if you don't have the birth certificates for them.
          (Hopefully you only tried it on one of them).
          But they can get it back to proper color, if they have enough time spend on it, and maybe end up replacing the laser assembly in order to have the proper settings and the ID sensor for the same reason. It gets easier after 2 or 3 and you then have some idea as to where to start.


          • sandmanmac
            Field Supervisor

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            Re: Ricoh MP C4501 Admin Password

            Originally posted by slimslob
            But they can getit back to proper color, if they have enoug time spend on it, and maybe end up replacing the laser assembly in order to have the proper settings and the ID sensor for the same reason. It gets easier after 2 or 3 and you then have some idea as to where to start.
            Agreed. There are ways to resolve the problems. I was just pointing out that a whole new set of issues had likely been needlessly created with the memory clear.


            • jazzih
              • May 2009
              • 10

              Re: Ricoh MP C4501 Admin Password

              Reset admin and supervisor password

              Execute SP5846-046 in 143 not the 107 service mode.
              This will clear all address book and initial setting.

              remember to backup your address book before execute



              • Itanic

                50+ Posts
                • Dec 2014
                • 59

                Re: Ricoh MP C4501 Admin Password

                Originally posted by jazzih
                Reset admin and supervisor password

                Execute SP5846-046 in 143 not the 107 service mode.
                This will clear all address book and initial setting.

                remember to backup your address book before execute

                I had exact sdame problem recently and tried what i thought was everything.. What jazzih is suggesting will work and is the easiest fix for you!


                • teebee1234
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                  Re: Ricoh MP C4501 Admin Password

                  Originally posted by jazzih
                  Reset admin and supervisor password

                  Execute SP5846-046 in 143 not the 107 service mode.
                  This will clear all address book and initial setting.

                  remember to backup your address book before execute

                  Why oh why did you feel the need to post this publicly. You should have sent it as a PM.


                  • zed255
                    How'd ya manage that?

                    1,000+ Posts
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 1025

                    Re: Ricoh MP C4501 Admin Password

                    Originally posted by teebee1234
                    Why oh why did you feel the need to post this publicly. You should have sent it as a PM.
                    Agreed. Ricoh has already changed the main SP on the newer models because it became too widely known, which of course it was almost instantaneously posted anyway. If people keep posting this Ricoh may just change that too, or eliminate the back-door entirely. Then we are up the creek sans paddle...

                    People are responsible for their machines and the data they hold. If they set passwords and forget them then they should suffer the consequences of that. If a buyer doesn't know enough to check for passwords when selecting a machine, suffer the consequences.


                    • Black lung
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 15

                      Re: Ricoh MP C4501 Admin Password

                      Personally I'm happy this got posted. We have always used the NVRAM method, what a hassle. We buy ten to twenty lease return machines at a time and once in a while we are locked out of a machine.

                      I don't understand why this is a big secret, isn't this a tech help site?. We get parts support from a Ricoh dealer (we are not) and I have asked them about this in the past ... is there a backdoor like Kyocera has? The answer was always, not that we know of, I feel sand bagged.


                      • slimslob

                        Site Contributor
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                        • May 2013
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                        Re: Ricoh MP C4501 Admin Password

                        Originally posted by Black lung
                        Personally I'm happy this got posted. We have always used the NVRAM method, what a hassle. We buy ten to twenty lease return machines at a time and once in a while we are locked out of a machine.

                        I don't understand why this is a big secret, isn't this a tech help site?. We get parts support from a Ricoh dealer (we are not) and I have asked them about this in the past ... is there a backdoor like Kyocera has? The answer was always, not that we know of, I feel sand bagged.
                        Most dealer techs who have never asked their regional support rep for help with lost admin and supervisor passwords do not know that it exists.


                        • 88hawkfan

                          50+ Posts
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                          Re: Ricoh MP C4501 Admin Password

                          Originally posted by slimslob
                          Most dealer techs who have never asked their regional support rep for help with lost admin and supervisor passwords do not know that it exists.
                          We've been an RFG dealer since we started (20 years ago) and I've contacted numerous regional support reps and I've never heard of this, I too have always been told to use the NVRAM fix as there was no other work around. What a crock!!!!!


                          • jy123
                            Junior Member
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                            • slimslob

                              Site Contributor
                              25,000+ Posts
                              • May 2013
                              • 35534

                              Re: Ricoh MP C4501 Admin Password

                              Originally posted by Black lung
                              Personally I'm happy this got posted. We have always used the NVRAM method, what a hassle. We buy ten to twenty lease return machines at a time and once in a while we are locked out of a machine.

                              I don't understand why this is a big secret, isn't this a tech help site?. We get parts support from a Ricoh dealer (we are not) and I have asked them about this in the past ... is there a backdoor like Kyocera has? The answer was always, not that we know of, I feel sand bagged.
                              A few years ago Ricoh changed the sequence for entering main SP mode. One of the reasons for this was that too many unauthorized people had obtained them. WE ARE ONLY 1 FIRMWARE UPDATE AWAY FROM THEM CHANGING ACCESS TO FACTORY SP. When that happens we are all screwed.

