Simulation 88

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  • Raoufselwaness

    50+ Posts
    • Nov 2008
    • 75

    [Misc] Simulation 88

    Hi dear all;
    can any one tell me the differences in sim-88
    i got a sharp mx-7001n with color problems and the last tech change almost every thing!
    i want to reset the m/c to factory defaults;
    what precautions should i use if any

    thanks in advance

  • bilyahn
    Service Manager

    1,000+ Posts
    • Dec 2006
    • 1457

    Re: Simulation 88

    I would not recommend using sim 88 for this. You would just be looking for trouble. If the tech went through and changed a lot of settings then there is very little you can do that would be quick and easy. May have to go through and check service manual settings with what you currently have to get it back to default. There are some other things you can do like a HDD format and memory clears but if the tech changed anything within simulations there is not a sure fire way to reset these other than to follow the SM settings.

    Good luck with this.


