Printing using Letterhead template

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  • Leebs14
    Trusted Tech

    250+ Posts
    • Feb 2014
    • 457


    [Misc] Printing using Letterhead template

    Hi there,

    I have a client who wants to upload their headed paper onto a Sharp 2630 and create a template, which i have done and it works really well apart from when they have a document with more than one page as it then prints the letterhead template out on all the pages rather than just the first page and the others being blank. There appears not to be a print on first page only option?

    ANyone come across this and found a fix or workaround?
  • leo34staffs

    Site Contributor
    500+ Posts
    • Aug 2007
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    Re: Printing using Letterhead template
    • Originally posted by Leebs14
      Hi there,

    Originally posted by Leebs14
    I have a client who wants to upload their headed paper onto a Sharp 2630 and create a template, which i have done and it works really well apart from when they have a document with more than one page as it then prints the letterhead template out on all the pages rather than just the first page and the others being blank. There appears not to be a print on first page only option?

    ANyone come across this and found a fix or workaround?
    I have looked at that and the only other option on overlays is interleave, what you could try is using the stamp function, then select image stamp and then search for your letterhead file (it will have to be changed to a bitmap or jpeg file), then you get the option for first page only, that is a possible workaround, not tried it myself.
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