We hade a machine at a demo where the customer wished to use air print.
Of course I found that out at the site. 4050vs don't have postscript and so cant air print
I installed postscript and my I phone still couldn't find the 4050 but had no problem finding their cheap HP MFP.
We got with Sharp who initially decided it needed some other options including a wireless adapter to work but changed that and said it only needs postscript.
We got a new machine in ( a MX-4071) that already has postscript and air print tested them in our office. It worked fine.
Took it out to their office and air print can't find the printer. Then we brought the 4050 back to our office and after connecting it to network but not changing IP address ( not even same range theirs was 192.168.0. and ours is 10.0.10. but the air print works with wrong IP address.
It must be something about their network that stops it but it finds their HP little desktop with no problem.
Any input is appreciated.
Of course I found that out at the site. 4050vs don't have postscript and so cant air print
I installed postscript and my I phone still couldn't find the 4050 but had no problem finding their cheap HP MFP.
We got with Sharp who initially decided it needed some other options including a wireless adapter to work but changed that and said it only needs postscript.
We got a new machine in ( a MX-4071) that already has postscript and air print tested them in our office. It worked fine.
Took it out to their office and air print can't find the printer. Then we brought the 4050 back to our office and after connecting it to network but not changing IP address ( not even same range theirs was 192.168.0. and ours is 10.0.10. but the air print works with wrong IP address.
It must be something about their network that stops it but it finds their HP little desktop with no problem.
Any input is appreciated.