hi , i have machine model MX-282N , after change developer sim25-02 , print 1000 above become like this WhatsApp Image 2019-04-01 at 1.11.16 PM.jpg , already change dv , drum , blade , charger. any idea what happen guy??
MX-M282N Developer keep less
Re: MX-M282N Developer keep less
The blank lines look like there is contamination in the developer unit under the doctor blade. Sometimes when you vac out the dv unit and the filters on the cover,the fibers in the filter start dropping into the dv unit and cause blank lines. Usually I replace the filters but if I dont have new ones I very lightly vac them. -
Re: MX-M282N Developer keep less
im using non ori toner. after exiting toner empty i change another non ori toner then developer start problem after few hunfdred copy!!!!! does i need to do anything before i change another non ori toner??Comment
Re: MX-M282N Developer keep less
If you remove the developer unit does the magnetic roller show those blank lines on it or is it solid with toner. If it has blank lines you would have to change developer,after you empty it you would have to clean and vacume it out real good.Bad toner might have had chunks of toner in it that blocked the gap under the doctor blade that you will need to remove..Comment
Re: MX-M282N Developer keep less
Some Years ago ( SF-7900) years ago we were servicing a school district. Their contract did not include supplies. We had a few machines that were not toning properly we would get a grey background and no solids. Replacing Developer would solve it for a very short time. We quickly determined that they were using an off brand of toner from Canada that killed the Developer within a day. We instructed the users to stop using the off brand toner and started billing for both the Labor and Developer at each call then we would have them sign the service ticket stating that the off brand toner was the problem and that if they used it again we would need to replaced the developer again and again charge for both. The Customer continued to use the junk toner even with full knowledge that it didn't work. ( Gives you an insight why they keep using ineffective methods to teach our children.) I finally changed a Developer vacuumed out the toner hopper then used OEM toner by calling it something else on the Call ticket it ran fine until that toner ran out then they went right back to the Junk stuff) My suggestion is if the non OEM stuff is not working use OEM.Comment