I have a strange issue with a MX-3140N, no DSK. 1.) I am unable to access the settings page on the control panel, it just goes into, "please wait' and nothing happens. 2.) I can't login as admin via the panel or webpage and service_login page A) I have done the dipswitch to access password and service reset, they complete but i am still unable to login even with the password reset. Also, I am unable to print any pages from service mode, ie, sim 22-6, 64-1,5, etc..nothing happens. All firmware, emaunual, watermark reinstalled and up to date. Any ideas? MFPc pwb or HDD?
MX 3140N unable to login as admin/service or list prints
Re: MX 3140N unable to login as admin/service or list prints
I had this happen on a similar machine and it was the SD card. Worked fine after replacing it. -
Re: MX 3140N unable to login as admin/service or list prints
I forgot to mention, I replaced the sd card, but I cloned it off of that one so that could be an issue. I will try cloning from another sd card.Comment
Re: MX 3140N unable to login as admin/service or list prints
I have a strange issue with a MX-3140N, no DSK. 1.) I am unable to access the settings page on the control panel, it just goes into, "please wait' and nothing happens. 2.) I can't login as admin via the panel or webpage and service_login page A) I have done the dipswitch to access password and service reset, they complete but i am still unable to login even with the password reset. Also, I am unable to print any pages from service mode, ie, sim 22-6, 64-1,5, etc..nothing happens. All firmware, emaunual, watermark reinstalled and up to date. Any ideas? MFPc pwb or HDD?
Try a clean clone SD first but if no help would be HDD.Comment
Re: MX 3140N unable to login as admin/service or list prints
FYI for Sharps that are UNABLE to print at all, you can extract pretty much all the good reports (22-6, job log) to a USB drive using SIM 56. It will give you error codes and an idea of what the issues are.
Failing to plan is planning to fail!!!Comment
Re: MX 3140N unable to login as admin/service or list prints
Thanks again for the insight, it was the HDD, replaced it and all is good. I could not print out any 64 and 22 sims,the client said color was off, boy was it. A few MK kits and a calibration colors back on track.Comment