please help, having trouble in scanning to desktop from sharp 4070N. PCs connected with Wi-Fi network are nor receiving scanned image from the scanner, but no issues with PCs connected with wired network.
star 38
Re: star 38
I have seen that exact problem in the office where I used to work. Turned out to be the USB WiFi adapter that was being used. Laptops with built in WiFi worked fine. Try connecting using a AP extender instead of a USB adapter. -
Re: star 38
Also check your network settings. If the networks are using 2 different subnets then that may be your issue or if the wireless is on a guest account that would also prevent scan from working. Have this issue at one of our clients on a regular basis funny thing is print works fine but scan won't
Good luck
Re: star 38
Failing to plan is planning to fail!!!Comment