I'm having problems at a small site quite a distance away.
The print queue is getting jammed more and more regularly.
A 67-17 clears the queue and away we go, but it is happening multiple times a day.
They are using a combination of windows 10, windows 7 and iphone to print. Everyone is setup as user in windows so its not helping point to a single PC.
The firmware is up to date and the network cable has been changed.
Is there any hardware I should be looking at or does this sound like a purely computer issue?
I'm having problems at a small site quite a distance away.
The print queue is getting jammed more and more regularly.
A 67-17 clears the queue and away we go, but it is happening multiple times a day.
They are using a combination of windows 10, windows 7 and iphone to print. Everyone is setup as user in windows so its not helping point to a single PC.
The firmware is up to date and the network cable has been changed.
Is there any hardware I should be looking at or does this sound like a purely computer issue?