Working on a MX-M465 with intermittent pour half tones. When printing 1 self test 64-05 looks OK. If I print 25 64-05 the 25th page starts to show signs of the half hones becoming splotchy and blurry. If I print 50 64-05 by the 50th the prints are even more splotchy and blurry. The same phenonium happens more rapidly when copying from the glass. I have been dealing with this issues for about a year and a half. Sharp tech thinks it is a memory issues.
I have replaced the entire DV unit along with the DV
The complete Drum Unit with new drum
the whole Transfer roller assembly not just the kit
MFP board
PCU board
Scanner board
added Dimm memory to see if any changes.
i have messed with all the sim 46 exposer settings and will look good for the first few pages but eventually returns when printing multiple pages at one time. its almost like the the developer is not getting enough toner or is not being refreshed frequently enough. does anyone know of a sim that can be used to adjust the developer refresh rate?
I have replaced the entire DV unit along with the DV
The complete Drum Unit with new drum
the whole Transfer roller assembly not just the kit
MFP board
PCU board
Scanner board
added Dimm memory to see if any changes.
i have messed with all the sim 46 exposer settings and will look good for the first few pages but eventually returns when printing multiple pages at one time. its almost like the the developer is not getting enough toner or is not being refreshed frequently enough. does anyone know of a sim that can be used to adjust the developer refresh rate?