My DSS told me to NOT clone a machine model to a different model. So 3070 to 3070 OK.... 3050 to 3051 NG.... He said sternly " clone the EXACT model, never a different model." Has anyone had any instances where this was done and it caused issues? Im just confused because I thought it just clones machine settings and not like 22-6 parameters. looking forward to input.
Re: Cloning
I always do my cloning through the service webpage and go across model lines without issue.
Only things I have ever had issue with are cloning a machine that has a fax kit to one which does not. The machine doesn't know what to do with the fax numbers in the address book. In this case, just skip the address book clone. The other instance I experienced was cloning user codes. Some codes will work, some will not.
Other than these 2 instances, cloning works fairly well.
Failing to plan is planning to fail!!!Comment
Re: Cloning
I have had two different machines act funny after loading a clone file(specifically Network settings): One was an MX3640 to an MX3070V, and more recently an MX3070N to an MX3071. Both machines appeared normal, except when attempting to scan to email - The machine would scan the pages, and then say "Sending... 0/10" in the job log. Nothing seemingly would happen, and after about 60 - 90 seconds all of the pages would send in rapid succession and the scan would go through. No idea what the cause for the delay was, but after Resetting the NIC and reinputting the network settings both machines started to behave normally.
I also have a co-worker who loaded an MX-5141 clone onto an MX-3070N some years ago, and the machine would randomly reboot itself every few minutes. In that case he was able to do a factory reset and start again to recover the machine.
Since these incidents I only clone and convert the clients address book, and input all the network settings manually!Comment