Sharpdesk Networkscannertool.exe as windows service

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  • Leopoldika

    Sharpdesk Networkscannertool.exe as windows service

    I have a problem I would like create windows server 2003 service from NetworkScannerTool.exe but not working

    "The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion"

    What is the correct resolution?

    Help me please

  • bilyahn
    Service Manager

    1,000+ Posts
    • Dec 2006
    • 1457

    In your installation of Sharpdesk did you reboot the operating system right away? Have had issues with Sharpdesk when the system was not rebooted immediately. Also did you turn off your anti-virus software before installation?

    Good luck.



    • TechGeek
      Trusted Tech

      100+ Posts
      • Jan 2009
      • 158

      I had issues trying to install the sharp network scanning tool on a server before. The NST is not a service that can be turn on or off but rather an application that needs to be running in the background to work properly. The program will work good until you log off the user you installed NST under. If the MFP can use the SMB or scan to network folder feather it will bypass sharp desk all together. Check out the on board web page to see if you can use this feature. good luck.

