Sharp MX-2310U overlay

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  • Abdel
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2012
    • 8


    Sharp MX-2310U overlay

    Hi everybody,

    I got a client who wants to put his sale conditions on each paper he prints out (on the back side of the paper).

    Now I created a separete driver for this and called it "sale conditions". I changed the default print settings and put in a overlay document (ov6.file).

    The problem is that it alwas print on the front side of the paper so that means this function is only for printing a logo of a company or creating a letterhead paper.

    Is there anyway possible to change this and put the overlay document on the back side of the paper? Perphaps another software?? My client uses a software called winbooks to print his docs

    I already tried using other drivers (ps, ppd, universal) But these drivers dont have the function overlay so i must use this with the pcl driver.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • PASTech
    Trusted Tech

    100+ Posts
    • Sep 2010
    • 192

    Re: Sharp MX-2310U overlay

    How did you make the overlay document? could you just make it so that it has a blank page? and then the driver automatically does 2 sided? not sure how the overlay works...
    What's Brown and Sticky?

    -A Stick


    • mojorolla
      The Wolf

      2,500+ Posts
      • Jan 2010
      • 2555

      Re: Sharp MX-2310U overlay

      Have them print a few hundred with the disclaimer on them. Then load the drawer up with those sheets. It is still the same number of clicks.

      The other options would be to create a 2 page document template, the first page being blank and the second page being the disclaimer.

      I know of now way to put the overlay on the back.

      Failing to plan is planning to fail!!!


      • Abdel
        Junior Member
        • Oct 2012
        • 8

        Re: Sharp MX-2310U overlay

        Originally posted by PASTech
        How did you make the overlay document? could you just make it so that it has a blank page? and then the driver automatically does 2 sided? not sure how the overlay works...


        For creating an overlay document you yust open up a document with the logo or letterhead or in my case the sales conditions and print it out with the settings changed for the pcl driver. (you choose create overlay document). Then you yust print it out but nothing will print out the driver will create the overlay document and save it on your hard disk and sets it up in your driver.

        I already tried creating a overlay document with the first page blank and the second page with the sale conditions and then 2 sided print. This results with the sales conditions not printed anywhere on the document.


        • Abdel
          Junior Member
          • Oct 2012
          • 8

          Re: Sharp MX-2310U overlay

          Originally posted by mojorolla
          Have them print a few hundred with the disclaimer on them. Then load the drawer up with those sheets. It is still the same number of clicks.

          The other options would be to create a 2 page document template, the first page being blank and the second page being the disclaimer.

          I know of now way to put the overlay on the back.


          That was my input to for the client to yust print them ahead and then put in the drawer. But the machine was sold to this client with the idea that it was possible to print on the backside of a document with an overlay.

          And now im trying to find a solution :d


          • PASTech
            Trusted Tech

            100+ Posts
            • Sep 2010
            • 192

            Re: Sharp MX-2310U overlay

            Had a feeling you had tried the two sided doc. hope you figure it out. I always figure advice is always good as sometimes in the middle of it I have missed the simple things. And it's good to post on the forum so that if the next guy needs help.

            Let us all know if you find a resolve for this. Maybe call Sharp Tech Support, they are usually pretty helpful at least here in Canada.
            What's Brown and Sticky?

            -A Stick


            • Abdel
              Junior Member
              • Oct 2012
              • 8

              Re: Sharp MX-2310U overlay

              Originally posted by PASTech
              Had a feeling you had tried the two sided doc. hope you figure it out. I always figure advice is always good as sometimes in the middle of it I have missed the simple things. And it's good to post on the forum so that if the next guy needs help.

              Let us all know if you find a resolve for this. Maybe call Sharp Tech Support, they are usually pretty helpful at least here in Canada.

              Yeah I called Sharp and they where stunned that they cant do it on there machines they where going to find a solution. Lol I must have the first client who demands this in Belgium and The Netherlands. Meanwhile I will look for a software that mayby helpfull with my problem.

              If I have a solution I will post it



              • gbfan
                • Aug 2010
                • 19

                Re: Sharp MX-2310U overlay

                With the overlay program can you get it to print correct, if so can you get his document to print on page two instead of page one. In other words print overlay on page one and his page on page two. Does that make sence? Maybe saying there is always a blank front page to his document and when the print driver drops in the overlay you woould be set to go... a hero.


                • Abdel
                  Junior Member
                  • Oct 2012
                  • 8

                  Re: Sharp MX-2310U overlay

                  I foundation solution with this programp


                  • Chr15tophe
                    • Dec 2011
                    • 42

                    Re: Sharp MX-2310U overlay

                    Try Kyo Easy print, works great for what you want to do.


                    • MattL

                      50+ Posts
                      • Apr 2012
                      • 97

                      Re: Sharp MX-2310U overlay

                      Sorry to bump but I have a similar issue.

                      We only want our overlay to print on page one of say a multi page document. I have found a manual online for a DX-B350P that has the option to print on all pages, first page only or all pages but first but this option does not seen to be there on the drivers for the 2310 or 5000.

                      Does anyone have any ideas?

                      Why would a feature be removed from a new driver when an older one has it?

