I know its an oldie. Just say its my good deed for the day. Here's whats happening . Feeder works fine until you lift the feeder to put something on the glass. It displays a 724 jam code and will not clear without a reboot. Sensors check good in 03 mode and as I said it works fine all the time until you lift it.
Toshiba 3510c Radf
Re: Toshiba 3510c Radf
I would not trust the 03 test. I would just replace the Original Length Detection Sensor (6LE64004000) which causes the E724 errors. -
Re: Toshiba 3510c Radf
This copier sucked from Day 1. Save yourself and the customer a lot of grief and tell them it is time for, at least, a new to them used copier.Comment