The bottle seems to be turning
4054 wont load toner just makes noise?
Re: 4054 wont load toner just makes noise?
I saw this once... Customer loaded the WRONG toner in the machine.Comment
Re: 4054 wont load toner just makes noise?
After doing that it added toner. Then I turned the bottle counter clockwise manually and now it works.
PM are complete
OEM Toner
No error
500 KComment
Re: 4054 wont load toner just makes noise?
Wrong toner loaded? Competitive Toner (Can look the same, but bottles can have slight differences).
What's the count on developer UNIT (not just developer, but the unit)?. Have seen one, where the toner supply assembly had to be replaced because of seized gears on Dev. Unit.
Toner Supply Ass'y. - D2023051 Big PITA to replace.OmertÃComment