toshiba e studio 810

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  • dqydj

    toshiba e studio 810

    I\'m currently fighting an Imagistics IM8130 (Toshiba E Studio 810).
    The first copy out looks ok but the more you run, the copies get lighter
    and washed out. As they get lighter the machine starts pulling developer.
    Seemed like an easy fix. I checked developer bias and it was at -355 vdc
    it should be -480vdc and it wouldn\'t adjust so I replaced the high voltage
    tansformer, set the bias to -480 and it didn\'t change a thing.
    Here\'s the list of parts relaced to date.
    developer, developer unit, drum, cleanig unit, hv transformer, drum potential
    sensor, image quality sensor, logic pcb, system pcb.
    I gotta admit that I\'m stumped. It seems as though the charge is
    building up on the drum but the ground is good and the cleaning lamps
    are working fine. If any one has any ideas I\'m open to all suggestions.

    Post edited by: dqydj, at: 2005/07/22 16:34
  • dqydj

    50+ Posts
    • Jun 2005
    • 64

    Re:toshiba e studio 810

    I figured it out.
    turns out that the e-prom on the logic board was the culprit.

    I had changed boards ( as most of you know,)
    new boards don\'t come with the prom) so all I did was
    transfer the problem to the new board.
    I kept stareing at that chip and decided to pull it off one
    that we had in our warehouse and I\'ll be damned if it
    didn\'t fix it.
    It\'s something for you toshiba guys to watch out for.
    These things have had alot of chip failures in the field
    for us but nothing like this.
    it\'s usually fuser codes when there isn\'t any thing wrong with the fuser and also hard drive codes.
    I hope this helps anyone who has weird things goin on
    with these toshibas
    good luck...

    I think I\'ve been doing this to long...
    When I have a problem like this I tend to go to the
    old tried and true copy process.
    well with the way the things work now
    you can\'t rule out the electronics.

    good luck...

    Post edited by: dqydj, at: 2005/08/09 19:48

