Toshiba E-studio 2500c scan to file?

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  • jonbonse
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    Toshiba E-studio 2500c scan to file?


    Can anyone tell me how to setup scan to file on a Toshiba E-Studio 2500C?

    I believe there is a scan to file client that is required to be installed on the workstation in order to receive the scanned documents .

    Then tell the copier to send the scanned documents to the folder on the workstation?

    There is no server network, just a workstation, router and the E-Studio copier.

    It is currently setup for network printing.

    ANy help is much appreciated.
  • Mr Spock
    Vulcan Inventor of Death

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    The quickest way is to use the built in smb file share on the copier. On the customers desktop create new shortcut. (this is right click >new>shortcut) in the first screen type in \\ipaddress\file_share then click next. (the \\ may need to be // I keep forgetting which is which). on the next screen type in a name and hit done or finish.

    The other way is to setup a share folder (depending on which windows version depends on how and what is needed)
    then in the web browser goto the copier select admin enter the password
    then network setup and scan settings enter the file path and user name and password then save.

    This is the short directions I do not have a machine at home to type the full lengthy instructions. Also this is covered in the network admin manual.
    And Star Trek was just a tv show...yeah right!


    • mckinley
      Chief Twiddler

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      \\is correct mr spock ;-)
      you may also wish to look at SMB under network setup to ensure it's enabled ( as long as it doesn't say disable fileshare you should be good to go )
      Happiness Is The Road.


      • jonbonse
        Senior Tech

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        Heve either of you got the network admin manual?


        • jinxs
          • Feb 2010
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          PM me your email so that i can send a setup guide for you


          • bruce 49dcs
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            Re: Toshiba E-studio 2500c scan to file?

            Originally posted by mckinley
            \\is correct mr spock ;-)
            you may also wish to look at smb under network setup to ensure it's enabled ( as long as it doesn't say disable fileshare you should be good to go )
            you guys are freaking awesome ive been trying to figure that out for a long time and you guys make it easy thank you very much


            • Vincent128
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              Re: Toshiba E-studio 2500c scan to file?

              For small to medium businesses that employ zero or stupid I.T. the built-in file share is the way to go.
              ...However...I make it a point to set the auto delete to like 30 days or so and make sure to instruct the users that this is temporary storage and WILL go bye bye after 30 days or a HDD failure.

              Make sure they understand to copy / paste the files off somewhere else if they want to keep them for long time.
              The copier is not a NAS nor long term network storage.


              • bruce 49dcs
                Trusted Tech

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                Re: Toshiba E-studio 2500c scan to file?

                well I got happy to fast i tried \\\file_share then next and it says cannot find file so i went to network smb is enabled smb signing is set to digital signiure is not donr for both server and client I made sure the driver is the full client installer please tell me what im doing wrong and also im not an IT guy im an old school copier guy trying to make it to rertirement
                thank for your help


                • Vincent128
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                  Re: Toshiba E-studio 2500c scan to file?

                  try just doing :
                  Windows Key + R (hot key shortcut for the RUN command)

                  you should see the driver shares and the file share.
                  Right click on the file share folder and mount as local drive.
                  It will show up as a local hard drive on the workstation. R-click on drive and send to desktop as a shortcut.


                  • bruce 49dcs
                    Trusted Tech

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                    Re: Toshiba E-studio 2500c scan to file?

                    Originally posted by Vincent128
                    try just doing :
                    Windows Key + R (hot key shortcut for the RUN command)

                    you should see the driver shares and the file share.
                    Right click on the file share folder and mount as local drive.
                    It will show up as a local hard drive on the workstation. R-click on drive and send to desktop as a shortcut.

                    thanks vincent ill let you know


                    • arnh79
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                      Re: Toshiba E-studio 2500c scan to file?

                      One additional thought: If you're on Windows 10 it won't work by default. The e2500c series doesn't support SMB v.3 and Win10 won't connect to a fileshare that doesn't support it. You'd have to enable SMB v.1 on the PC, which I strongly recommend against. There's a reason Windows doesn't support it anymore and you could be opening your customer up to security breaches.
                      Why does every customer think they're the first one to ever say: "you've been here so much we should get you an office, ha, ha, ha"?


                      • bruce 49dcs
                        Trusted Tech

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                        Re: Toshiba E-studio 2500c scan to file?

                        Originally posted by bruce 49dcs
                        thanks vincent ill let you know
                        well the customer for this is an hour away so i went to a closer customer and tried this well it worked on one computer but not the second computer so do you know a reason why some work and others dont both pc's are on the network and use the toshiba


                        • Vincent128
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                          Re: Toshiba E-studio 2500c scan to file?

                          Originally posted by bruce 49dcs
                          well the customer for this is an hour away so i went to a closer customer and tried this well it worked on one computer but not the second computer so do you know a reason why some work and others dont both pc's are on the network and use the toshiba
                          Off hand without seeing the issue and having more info; I would say network discovery is not turned on on the computer or it's locked down too tight from I.T. or it's the Home edition of Windows and not Pro or the workstation and network is not configured properly.
                          I would start with verifying network discovery, file and print sharing is turned on for the workstation the do a Ping command to the MFP.

                          Then there is the whole SMB version issue that been mentioned here already but the 2500ac should already have SMB versions that are new.
                          If its a 2500c then the SMB version will be an issue - I do not know off hand if there was firmware for that old a product to enable SMB 2 and 3

                          ..I carry an older Linux laptop and a small 5 port switch to rule out peoples networks ..or rather...rule out the copier and prove to the I.T. twit that the issue is on their end.


                          • BillyCarpenter
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                            Re: Toshiba E-studio 2500c scan to file?

                            This is a checklist that n25an posted in another thread that I've found invaluable. Check it out:

                            Did you verify that the user login and password did not change... for access to smb folder on the destination computer
                            did you verify that the user login is admin...
                            Did you verify that the hostname of the computer did not change...
                            Did you check for IP conflict... by turning off the computer and pinging to it... any response conflict...
                            Did you check for ip conflict... by turing off the copier and pinging to it... any response conflict
                            did you try giving your computer the ip address of the copier and related settings that copier have... turning off the copier... and then tried moving files from your laptop to the destination pc to see if that works... might give some insights...
                            Did you check if the hard drive is full on the destination pc.. that can stop scanning...

                            Is the admin login used for scanning the default admin login for a server... if so it has a limited amount of concurrent connections it can maintain at a time... so if it has over a certain limit then it stops taking requests until it kills one of those connections or it times out... this is a setting that can be set at creation of the account... its a security feature that sometimes causes trouble for scanning... because scanning to folder can trigger this feature if its enabled in the account... fix is to create an admin account with the limited login feature disabled... rarely seen this one...

                            ***did you try enabling smb in additional features...
                            did you turn off firewall on destination pc and test...
                            some antivirus also kill scanning so turn off and test...
                            ***did you check if the destination pc network setting was public if so that will stop scanning sometimes windows will turn it from private to public...
                            *** did you check if the computer has pending windows updates... that can also stop scanning...
                            *** (triple asterisk mark those are the things that have most often killed scanning for me)
                            *** Make sure DNS settings or correct on the copier
                            Adversity temporarily visits a strong man but stays with the weak for a lifetime.

