The transfer belt on a very high volume 850 is tracking to the front of the assembly and wearing away the belt. Initially I thought this was due to one of the bearings that had siezed and worn away part of the belt frame. After replacing the entire belt assembly, the problem is back some 20k copies later. Any help ??
e-Studio 850 transfer belt
you replaced the entire assembly including the belt & it's inner items? ie: the belt frame (that sits inside the belt) & rollers inside belt & the complete outer casing ( cleaner section etc... )
if you did every item, have you tried putting a spirit level on the belt, then on the machine, just to check everything is level, because, say for example a heavy handed customer decided to lean on the tbu/fuser slide out unit it would bend down at the front i would imagine this would cause the belt to drift to the front.
i have seen the plastic clip come off the charge rod inside the t'belt on a DP8070 which although older has pretty much the same t'belt system, this caused the charge rod to wear the outer frame down & the belt to drift.
but i'd seriously check the levelness side of things to start with.
Regards, Den.Happiness Is The Road. -
I ordered a complete replacement unit (and it was a new one). This machine has been transferred from another location where it had the same problem twice before. I will check for level next visit.
Hi.It appears on all machines I've seen transfer belt moves to the front side!
Now I'm aware of this problem in all of my cases belt isn't damaged,but heard that replacing whole transfer belt unit(6LE15208000-TR-BLT-6000) didn't help.
Toshiba hedge of this issue saying 'It's possible to improve the belt deviation by changing the belt driving shaft position.' lolA tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost, he who sows courtesy, reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.Comment
Take this out of the machine 6LA02821000. Make mounting holes oval. Now U can drive mounting position of BRKT-BRG-R-TRU to the left and to the right. Thus U can compensate moving of the belt to the front.
BRI'll never ask if I didn't check user manual, service manual, parts list, BSI/TNI/TAD... web, existing threads.Comment