Toshiba e-Studio 520 Scan Option Question
Also check and make sure the scan usb is installed. I think this machine can be updated via usb. -
Thanks to you both for the reply. I have looked at the logs and for any possible jobs in the queue, none are listed. I have also reviewed the steps mentioned in the tutorials for any missing setup or operational steps. At this point the small "Scan button" on the touch sensitive screen LCD is still grayed out.
I will look up the information concerning re-imaging the Hard Drive. We are primarily a Sharp dealer so I have not had to load an OS or the equivalent to the hard drive. I will review the information in the Service Handbook or Service manual concerning the procedure.
Thanks again for the input. I'll let you know the outcome.Leave a comment:
Check the website below and watch the scan section for your machine. It may have the one step that you left out. a comment:
clear out any jobs in the message log thru topaccess.
then shutdown controller, once shut down, completely turn off power to machine ( at plug ) for a minute or so.
switch on & wait for controller to initialize. when it comes to ready, try scanning again (making sure you've performed the steps above)
if problem persists, you may need to rebuild the HDD.Leave a comment:
Toshiba e-Studio 520 Scan Option Question
I have a Toshiba e-Studio 520 with a scan option installed. When attempting to perform a scan, the small "Scan" button on the LCD is not active.
I can setup the job but cannot execute the scan because of this last step.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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