Help wc pro c3545?
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Enter Diagnostic Navigator.
Go to dC133. If the time and date are empty or incorrect, enter the correct values. The hour, minute, seconds, month and date must be 2 characters and the year must be 4 characters. You must also click on the AM or PM radio button. Click on Apply, the machine should reset. If the time and date are correct, go to dC105 and set the Install Phases to Complete.
If a reset occurs, Diagnostic Navigator will lose communication. When the UI comes back up, approximately 25 dots, enter diagnostics. Go to dC105, set the Install Phases to Complete. Set the configuration to Digital Copier or Copier/Printer. Also, complete all fields with correct configuration. Click on Apply. Machine will reset again and when it comes back up machine will be in diagnostics mode, launch Diag. NAV. and perform a complete closeout. Machine will display "ready to scan"
If a reset does not occur when the dC133 time and date are applied, enter dC105 and set the install phases to "Customer Set-up". Make sure all fields in dc105 screen have the correct configuration. Click on apply. Machine may not reset.
Exit Diagnostics (Complete Closeout).
Power down the machine (the power cord may need to be unplugged or the GFI switch pressed.).
Power up and enter diagnostics dC133 and check time & date (enter or change if missing or wrong with proper format as stated above). Click on apply, the machine will reset.
Enter diagnostics as soon as "Ready to scan" or the Install Wizard appears on the UI, go to dC131 and set System Management Service - 0119 to false. This will prevent the UI from auto upgrading.
Exit Diagnostics (Complete Closeout).
The install wizard will appear on the UI.
After completing the wizard, the machine should reset and come up to a "Ready to Copy".
If the CCM NVM PWB was replaced because the board failed during a software download, enter Diagnostics, perform dC301, init IOT/Finisher, then perform dC361, Restore IOT Critical using the file saved during the software process.