Xerox 430DC duplex module jam after installation of toner cartridge

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  • Fix It or Shoot at it
    • Mar 2025


    [Jamming] Xerox 430DC duplex module jam after installation of toner cartridge

    First off I'd like to say the information in this forum is very helpful and interesting.
    Second I'd like to apologize for my train wreck of text coming.

    Duplex Module pictures (6 VERY high res photos and 1 of the toner cartridge): ImageShack Album - 6 images

    I've been using a 430 Document Centre for close to two years now, and it has been working like a dream, collated - double sided copies were working perfectly. The link above is a few pictures of the dueplex module in different states of undress. But then the toner needed to be replaced. After ordering the correct toner cartridge from Xerox (something to the tune of 700 bucks. ouch). I personally did not install the toner cartridge but upon inspection, it seems to be properly installed, and although the complexity of these machines is absolutely astounding, it didn't look like rocket science to install it. To the point-- Ever since the first attempt at collated double sided copies after toner replacement we get jams non stop in the duplex module. <<< Here is what it does almost every time. This is happening when attempting to have the copies sent to the center tray. Sending them to the left tray would work more often then the center tray though not reliably.

    Also I have a list of Error codes received SINCE toner cartridge replacement.

    E1-1 - Lots of these, defined as a registration jam in the administrator menu.
    The rest all happened once or twice in the last 40 fault error history, the E1-1 error was 30+ of the 40.
    E8-2 - Face Up Exit Jam
    C1-3 - Tray 1 Misfeed
    H 1-1 - Tray 1 Motor Fail
    v0-3 - Mailbox Receive Error
    E1-2 - Fuser Exit Jam

    Now when I first noticed the Tray 1 errors I tried using Tray 2, which also jammed in collated double sided copy mode. It still makes proper single page non collated copies (using the glass tray).

    I really can't stress enough how it was working 100% A-OK right up until toner replacement, and then nothing but trouble since first attempt after toner replacement. My business is a small family run medical practice, and we simply will not pay the outrageous fees from xerox to have one of their own look at it. Something like 250 dollars for the first 30 minutes just to diagnose IIRC. With that said, this machine is absolutely vital to our functioning. Our Cannon laser printer and HP inkjet can't handle 25% of the workload that the 430dc did unfortunately. Even though I have no previous experience with machines like this, I am quite electronically inclined, and, besides one hell of a coincidence, I just don't see how it would take a dump at the same time the toner was replaced. In my mind theres something stuck or some small step missed that's causing this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If any more pictures would help, please tell me what to open and where to point the camera.
  • Fix It or Shoot at it

    Re: Xerox 430DC duplex module jam after installation of toner cartridge


    Nobody has any thoughts or ideas?


    • adriansto
      Service Manager

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      • Nov 2007
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      Re: Xerox 430DC duplex module jam after installation of toner cartridge

      Make 30 copies in one shoot single face from tray 1 to center tray output.
      Then put these copies back in tray 1 and make again 30 copies from tray1 in left output tray
      If a jam occur the make a photo with jam position. Also note the error codes


      • Mr Spock
        Vulcan Inventor of Death

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        • Aug 2006
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        Re: Xerox 430DC duplex module jam after installation of toner cartridge

        All the issues I have had after replacing toner cartridge were caused by the "gate" that covers the drum. This does not move out of place far enough causing jams. I usually just remove the gate from the cartridge before I put new cartridge in machine. Be careful as it is easy to scratch drum without the gate.
        And Star Trek was just a tv show...yeah right!


        • Fix It or Shoot at it

          Re: Xerox 430DC duplex module jam after installation of toner cartridge

          To above post. I can only assume your talking about that black piece of plastic that covers the green roller (sorry guys I don't know the right buzzwords here). Because this DOES stick, all the time. Can you please explain how to remove the gate? I'm going to go take a look at it and see if it's just simple. I think I love you.


          • Fix It or Shoot at it

            Re: Xerox 430DC duplex module jam after installation of toner cartridge

            After careful consideration, I do love you!

            Just kidding man. Works now great! Thank you Thank you!

