I have this 7232 machine I work on periodically. It was working fine for a long time. Fairly low page count. Printing or copying does the same thing. If you do one or two pages at a time, all is good! If you run 3 or more pages, every 3rd or 4th page has a portion that is very light across the page. This started happening, so changed out the drum and it did not fix it. All parts and consumables are current with no reported errors. Any ideas?
WC 7232 Every few pages in a longer run has a light band of toner
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Re: WC 7232 Every few pages in a longer run has a light band of toner
Does this happen with all of the colors, or some specific colors?
I only ask because you said you replaced a drum, and the color that the drum was responsible for would be useful information for the rest of us (a picture of the print defect would be even more useful).
Also, as a noob here in the Xerox forum, I don't want to waste your time with wrong answers. -
Re: WC 7232 Every few pages in a longer run has a light band of toner
A photo of the image defect would be helpful. Iowa, this machine uses a single drum but a rotary developer system. ScoTTeL, if the defect is only 1 color such as black, it could be a worn developer housing. If its all colors I would look into the transfer unit or 2nd BTR.Comment
Re: WC 7232 Every few pages in a longer run has a light band of toner
It is all colors. And you are right that it uses only one drum. I will get a pic and upload tomorrow. It is like 2/3 of the way across the page, it looks like someone took an eraser through it and removed most of the toner. But why every 3rd or 4th page? I didn't think the transfer belts and such would cover that many pages before hitting a weak spot. I will also see if it does it when multiple single page print jobs are sent to see if it has something to do with a recurring image. I was thinking possibly a voltage gets weak or something.Comment