Hi guys. So i have this machine, about 150k copies. It jams paper very often. Error code is 077-101. Put in a new registration assembly and still does the same thing. Could it pe the transfer assembly, more exactly the transfer roll?
xerox 5222 - 077-101
Re: xerox 5222 - 077-101
Aveam un ansamblu ok, luat de pe alt aparat. Se poate sa fi gresit eu la montaj, ca tot in 077-106 ma tinea, pe ambele aparate. Ma gandeam acu, oare sa iau ambreiajul de pe asta si sa-l pun pe ansamblul de registratie unde am eroare de 077-101? Ce se defecteaza la ele? Ambreiajul sau altceva?Comment
Re: xerox 5222 - 077-101
Uita-te daca clutch-ul de registratie cupleaza. Daca da vezi cum se aseaza rolele de la ansamblul de transfer de pe capacul din stinga - acolo unde este BTR-ul. Cred ca ai ansamblul acela defect si rolele nu calca corect pe rolele de registratie de pe masina.Comment
Re: xerox 5222 - 077-101
now the question is does it do it from every feet station the same if it does you definitely have a registration problem.if some of the trees are fine and one of the traces bad then it's specific to the paper for youComment
Re: xerox 5222 - 077-101
Hi. So after changing the reg clutch, it started to work better, but still 077-101 occurs sometimes. After changing the clutch, with my paper, in 200 copies it didn't jammed not a single one. With theirs, every 15,20 prints, it jams with error code 077-101. I'm guessing either the paper, or the transfer roll. But, the curious thing is it worked fine till now with the same paper i'm guessing is causing trouble. After switching the imaging units beetwen the machines i mentioned before, the other copier started to make an awfull noise. If i pull out the pipe that goes from the toner to the imaging unit, it doesn;t make the sound anymore. Either is blocked or the imaging unit has some problems, although this imaging unit worked fine on the other copier. Any ideas?Comment