Family Guy is quite possibly the best new show of the last ten years. No offense to such award winners as The Sopranos, The West Wing and Six Feet Under to name a few, but this show had everything. It was comical and satirical, sardonic and irreverent. It made fun of everyone and I mean everyone. It used sight gags The Simpsons and Futurama are afraid to use and goes beyond. Quite simply it is under appreciated.
Season one was short but sweet. Peter cheats the government, feigns Homer Simpson with TV withdrawal, Stewie thwarts a cult leader, Peter punches a woman, builds a bar in his basement and turns Lois into a famous lounge singer, Peter exploits the handicapped, Lois pulls a Marge Simpson and becomes a gambling junkie and finally Brian steals the show. It sound a lot like The Simpsons, but it had more guts. It wasn't afraid to make you laugh by offending anyone and it did it so well.
Season two only got better. Peter's piano talent is accesbiel only through imbibing alcohol, he turn the King And I into a cyborg kill fest, breast feeds Stewie in the shows funniest sight gag to date, leads his family in rebellion and it thorws in plenty of other song and dance numbers, the signs of a great cartoon.
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