I'm hoping someone can give me some advice on a few issues I'm having with my RISO GR3770 and its drums.
I use a red and blue drum to create 2 colour flyers, my flyers for my Real Estate practice and for the most part I'm quite happy with the results except for:
1. Alignment problems from one master to the next... even though my originals from my laser printer that I use to create the masters are bang on when I hold them up to a light and I can burn a master for the blue output and the red output by aligning the originals for each colour exactly up with the 'hash' marks on the scanner window... I aways seem to have to re-aline the paperfeed tray using the rotary adjustment to move the blue output over up to a 1/4 of an inch. Any idea if there is some sort of adjustment on the drum I need to work with?
2. On my black and red drums I've noticed that the masters don't seem to mount on the drum quite right... the trailing edge seems to be 'flapping above the drum' up to 3/4 of an inch... kind of like there's no ink holding it onto the drum.... my blue drum the masters seem to be flush to the drum on the trailing edge... a few times running my black on the 3rd or 4th run of the same flyers, a black mark appears on the end of the flyer where the loose flap of master is and I have to redo the master. Is there some sort of adjustment or fix that I can do to correct this? I could send a picture if it would make my explanation clearer.
3. Just changed my master roll and now have noticed on my red output some blurring at the top of my flyer. Like smudged ink on the title text. I tried redoing the master 4 or 5 times but no change it is still blurry and smudgy. Any ideas.
Thanks again for your answers, your support in the past has been a great help.
I'm hoping someone can give me some advice on a few issues I'm having with my RISO GR3770 and its drums.
I use a red and blue drum to create 2 colour flyers, my flyers for my Real Estate practice and for the most part I'm quite happy with the results except for:
1. Alignment problems from one master to the next... even though my originals from my laser printer that I use to create the masters are bang on when I hold them up to a light and I can burn a master for the blue output and the red output by aligning the originals for each colour exactly up with the 'hash' marks on the scanner window... I aways seem to have to re-aline the paperfeed tray using the rotary adjustment to move the blue output over up to a 1/4 of an inch. Any idea if there is some sort of adjustment on the drum I need to work with?
2. On my black and red drums I've noticed that the masters don't seem to mount on the drum quite right... the trailing edge seems to be 'flapping above the drum' up to 3/4 of an inch... kind of like there's no ink holding it onto the drum.... my blue drum the masters seem to be flush to the drum on the trailing edge... a few times running my black on the 3rd or 4th run of the same flyers, a black mark appears on the end of the flyer where the loose flap of master is and I have to redo the master. Is there some sort of adjustment or fix that I can do to correct this? I could send a picture if it would make my explanation clearer.
3. Just changed my master roll and now have noticed on my red output some blurring at the top of my flyer. Like smudged ink on the title text. I tried redoing the master 4 or 5 times but no change it is still blurry and smudgy. Any ideas.
Thanks again for your answers, your support in the past has been a great help.