Error code states that its an overrun error. Can anyone suggest how to correct this error?
RZ390 Error Code P01-537
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Re: RZ390 Error Code P01-537
I tested all relative sensor and did run test mode 942. Riso would work for a while but I notice that after a considrable run (1000) mininum error would appear or the paper ejection belts would just keep running and wont stopComment
Re: RZ390 Error Code P01-537
I noticed that once machine cools down, error code disappears. One thing I noticed is that whenever I try to make a master, the print cylinder keeps running. any suggestion would be appreciated.
Re: RZ390 Error Code P01-537
As far as the error code going away after a while, that could be an indication that the power being supplied by the socket the machine is plugged into is outside the limits that the machine can handle while the error code is indicated. At least that would be the first thing I'd check.Comment