Brother MFC 9570 with replacement main board

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  • merlinof2
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2024
    • 2

    [Misc] Brother MFC 9570 with replacement main board

    We've had a Brother MFC9570 for a year, working great. One day it simply stopped in the middle of a job. LCD panel went black, green power light was lit.

    We had purchased a 4 year maintenance agreement on it, so we called the service provider.

    A technician was dispatched and he diagnosed the main board gone. This is where it gets weird.

    Technician apparently ordered a main board, we went 2 weeks without hearing a word from the tech or service provider. Finally the service provider contacted us,
    informed us the technicians company had gone out of business, they could not service the printer and started a refund of the contract amount.

    Then the main board showed up via postal service ???

    I installed it, carefully, and powered up the printer. I now have a display that did not work before, but it goes straight into maintenance mode. I can issue commands
    in maintenance mode, test (09), test pattern (71), maint info (77), etc and they execute fine.

    But I cannot get the device OUT of maintenance mode. and the maint info (77) sheet shows MFC-L8900CDW with a serial number.

    Can I get some assistance in getting this out of maintenance mode and/or is there a problem with the new mainboard.

    Thanks in Advance for everyones Time.
  • sappa12

    50+ Posts
    • Sep 2023
    • 51

    Re: Brother MFC 9570 with replacement main board

    its not that simple, you need to upg fw via usb cable, but for that you need to install two things maintanance driver and download utility...see attached file and you need fw file as well
    Attached Files


    • Gift
      Service Manager

      1,000+ Posts
      • Mar 2011
      • 2439

      Re: Brother MFC 9570 with replacement main board

      Sometimes it's enough to enter the correct country code, if you're lucky it will boot normally so you don't have to deal with the service tools.
      You should run a firmware update via web interface though. The downside of not following the "official procedure" is that the machine won't show the correct serial number
      but I don't think that's really important. Print/Scan quality should also be finde, you might need to rund a calibration from user menu.

      You can set up the country code with service mode 74 and enter the 4 digit code - according to the SM the code for USA is "0101"
      once entered the machine might boot into SM again, if so enter "99" wich should initiate a normal reboot into the normal user screen.

      If you still end up in service mode you probably have to deal with the service tools.


      • CroceL
        Sharp / Brother Tech

        50+ Posts
        • Jun 2020
        • 53

        Re: Brother MFC 9570 with replacement main board

        You only need usb drive and the firmware
        From the service manual:

        (1) Create and save a file for automatic firmware update under the USB flash memory.Create a blank file of text format and title the file name “_@$UPD$OP0.8080”.

        (2) Create the “FIRM” folder under the USB flash memory, and save the program fileneeded for firmware install (ex: D009UD_A.djf) in the “FIRM” folder.

        (3) Connect the USB flash memory to the USB flash memory port at the side of the machinewhile the machine is in the ready state. “Program Updating.Do not turn off.” appears onthe LCD and installation starts automatically. Back light blinks during the installation.

        (4) When installing is completed, the machine restarts automatically and “Completed...”appears on the LCD. Remove the USB flash memory. If multiple program files are savedin the USB flash memory, other installations start automatically after the restart.If the installation fails, “Unable to Update:**” appears on the LCD. (“**” indicates the errorcode.) Refer to the remedy and eliminate the error. Then reboot the machine and startfrom the procedure (1).
        Maintenance Mode 61 - Touch Panel calibration
        Maintenance Mode 01 - Init. EEPROM
        Maintenance Mode 74 - Country Code

        Country Code List for MFC-L9570
        MFC-L9570CDW Australia/New Zealand 0156 Australia 0106
        New Zealand 0127
        Brazil 0142 --- ---
        Canada 0102 --- ---
        Germany 0103 --- ---
        Gulf 0174 Gulf 0141
        South Africa 0124
        Turkey 0125
        EU-Regional 0199 Belgium 0108
        Bulgaria 0132
        Croatia 0181
        Czecho 0137
        France 0105
        Hungary 0138
        Italy 0116
        Netherlands 0109
        Poland 0139
        Portugal 0118
        Romania 0133
        Slovakia 0186
        Slovenia 0182
        Spain 0115
        Others 0150
        Pan-Nordic 0157 Denmark 0113
        Finland 0112
        Norway 0107
        Sweden 0126
        Others 0150
        Russia 0148 --- ---
        Switzerland 0110 --- ---
        U.S.A 0101 --- ---
        UK 0104 --- ---
        MODEL Spec Code Spec Code (Detail)
        Maintenance Mode 99 - Reboot into Start menu

        After all that it should work fine, if you need any further assistance feel free to DM me.
        Other question, do you not have 3-year warranty in USA for Brothers ?


        • merlinof2
          Junior Member
          • Mar 2024
          • 2

          Re: Brother MFC 9570 with replacement main board

          Originally posted by sappa12
          its not that simple, you need to upg fw via usb cable, but for that you need to install two things maintanance driver and download utility...see attached file and you need fw file as well

          Thank You.... will check this out.... gave to my tech to look at...

