cano ir 2270 not copiying

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  • vj200729
    print mate

    50+ Posts
    • Apr 2008
    • 81


    cano ir 2270 not copiying

    In one canon ir 2270 when copy comand is given,scaning unit moves ,scan and return to home position ,paper pick up occurs ,but no copy will come out,machine runs for 2 minutes ,disply showing scanning printing only , at end 733-001 code will come.but report setting print out and testpage print is coming.any friens can give me any solution.
  • mrfixit51
    Lead Service Technician

    1,000+ Posts
    • Oct 2008
    • 1975

    Conventional wisdom states reseating connectors on DC and Main Controller first, as well as Ram and Boot Rom.

    E733 There is an error in the communication with the printer.

    0000 At startup, communication with the printer fails.
    1. Check the connector used to connect to the printer.
    2. Check the power supply of the printer (to see if initialization takes place at startup).
    3. Replace the DC controller or the main board.

    0001 There is a DDI-P communication error.
    1. Check the connection with the printer.
    2. Check the power supply of the printer (to see if initialization takes place at startup).
    3. Replace the DC controller or the main board.
    "Once a King, always a King, but once a Knight is enough!"

