I have the old style C1 controller. The one without the power interrupter board. I have version 1.1.1 software on it. When sending a print job, it can only print 1 set at a time. No matter the quantity in the print driver. I want to upgrade the software on the controller to version 2.0 . I have the 2.0 CD with the Fiery installation tool. But, this thing just won't take the download. I flip both dipswitches, turn on the copier, then before the progress bar moves too far, I power on the C1 controller. The tool looks like it downloads properly. I power off the machine and the controller, flip both dipswitches back, then power both back on again as before. It will only go into Configuration mode and then ask for a shut down of both units. I can't ever get to the setup screen for the controller. Someone suggested because of it being the older style, I need to try to upload the software with the individual files with a PDL downloader. I even tried to piggyback the HDD into my computer and drag the files over, but that only made a bigger mess. It wouldn't do anything without a drive letter. It looked like there were 8 partitions. Which one would I put the files in? I am told the older C1 should be able to take version 2.0, but so far I am unable to prove it. Does anyone have a link or could send me PDL downloader?
By the way, I have two machines (identical, 10 miles apart) doing the exact same thing. Both IR-C3200's with C1's version 1.1.1 and won't print more than 1 set @ a time.
tricotech1@gmail.com Thanks.
By the way, I have two machines (identical, 10 miles apart) doing the exact same thing. Both IR-C3200's with C1's version 1.1.1 and won't print more than 1 set @ a time.
tricotech1@gmail.com Thanks.