As I explained before when printing over USB my HP CM3530 slows down considerably so I store large PDFs I print regularly on the machine itself so its easier to reprint and prints at full speed.
One or two weeks ago one of my documents dissapeared from the machine's stored jobs so I had to reprint and store it from the PC. Today I go to print another copy and again it's dissapeared from the stored jobs while another stored job is still there.
Do I need to set a setting for them to remain permanently on the machine? It's strange because I can reprint the job 5-15 times over a week or two with no problem and suddenly one day it's gone. I have this machine in my home office so it's not like someone else is deleting them.
I think I used the "Quick copy" store option in the printer properties when printing on the PC, should I use "Stored job" instead?
One or two weeks ago one of my documents dissapeared from the machine's stored jobs so I had to reprint and store it from the PC. Today I go to print another copy and again it's dissapeared from the stored jobs while another stored job is still there.
Do I need to set a setting for them to remain permanently on the machine? It's strange because I can reprint the job 5-15 times over a week or two with no problem and suddenly one day it's gone. I have this machine in my home office so it's not like someone else is deleting them.
I think I used the "Quick copy" store option in the printer properties when printing on the PC, should I use "Stored job" instead?