What am I missing here I even looked in the manual---what resets the --Replace the mk message----- is the drum or the dv unit reset itself. Can't find any procedure in the manual. maybe it's saying the waste container is full? ANYONE KNOW ???? Thanks
maintenance kit reset Kyocera P2135
Re: maintenance kit reset Kyocera P2135
A few tricky Kyocera models that I know of
1) The reset option is in the system menu-adjust-service but won't appear there until the cycle is due.
2)You need a brand new drum. Even if you replaced one last week for a scratch if it won't reset until it's looking for one. (has to be new, machine has to be turned off, install, turn on.)
3)Try running a "Set developer" to clear it.Last edited by JR2ALTA; 10-29-2021, 02:02 AM. -
Re: maintenance kit reset Kyocera P2135
1. Enter the maintenance mode [>>Maintenance].
2. Press the OK key. [>>Maintenance?] will be displayed.
3. Press the OK key twice. The counter for each component is reset immediately.
Occurrences of resetting the maintenance kits are recorded on the service status page or
event log in number of pages at which the maintenance kit was replaced (See page 1-3-2, 1-3-
10). This may be used to determine the possibility that the counter was errorneously or unintentionally