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  • Oze
    Ricoh Fanboy

    1,000+ Posts
    • Jul 2008
    • 1663


    MP 171SPF

    Heya all,
    I have an(brand new) MP-171SPF in the field that,when switched to "monitor",will not sound a dial tone.
    You can connect a handset to the EXT socket and you'll hear the dial tone.
    If you ring the machine with the handset still attached the phone rings for it's standard two rings then stops...the "communicating" green light comes on and the screen displays "receiving", however,the phone that you've used to call the fax keeps on ringing and no fax is received.
    I reset the NCU PARAMETERS in SP mode to Factory Defaults...then reset the country code...but no good.
    At the initial call to this machine I tried 3 different handsets on the fax wall socket and could not get a dial tone.
    The customer called Samsung(their phone system carrier) and on the next call I could hear a dial tone using a handset on the wall socket and via the EXT socket on the Ricoh...but still could not get an audible dial tone from the fax.
    I have a feeling that the socket was patched via the digital system originally and has damaged the fax board.
    The give away sign for me is that if I connect a little Brother fax to the socket I can get a dial tone and send and receive all day long without issue
    Ricoh are sending me a test FCU to trial in the machine but I'm open to any other ideas.
  • rednecktech

    50+ Posts
    • Jan 2010
    • 54

    I have had a similar situation happen and it ended up being the board. Two boards actually, the bigger one and the smaller that "piggy backs" on that one. Good luck, let us know if what fixes it.


    • jonhiker
      Senior Tech

      500+ Posts
      • Apr 2010
      • 661

      i have had the same type of issue. the fax was plugged into a digital line, and it damaged the FCU. the MBU, (the smaller board) was fiine.


      • Oze
        Ricoh Fanboy

        1,000+ Posts
        • Jul 2008
        • 1663

        Ricoh sent up a new FCU for testing.
        I installed it and it worked perfectly .....for one day.
        I haven't been back to the machine yet but the customer rang me and abused the crap outta me(I know...I gave her the don't shoot the messenger spiel)saying that when she pushes the "ON-Hook" button there is no dial tone.
        I think there's a fault in the machine that's spiking these FCU boards(well THIS machine at least)...
        Could a damaged MBU take out the FCU?


        • rednecktech

          50+ Posts
          • Jan 2010
          • 54

          I have had this happen to me and I feel your frustration. That is why we just go ahead and replace both the MBU and the FCU. I don't know specific costs but, that MBU shouldn't cost too much.


          • TonerMunkeh
            Professional Moron

            2,500+ Posts
            • Apr 2008
            • 3873

            One thing that's puzzling me - why is the customer pressing on hook dial? Whether the machine is set to memory or immediate transmission, you shouldn't really touch that button for normal faxing. Could be a surge on the line that's blowing the board when on hook is being pressed. Get the customer to use memory transmission mode for a while and see how it does.
            It's 106 miles to Chicago. We've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing sunglasses.

            Hit it.


            • Vulkor
              Senior Tech

              500+ Posts
              • Jun 2009
              • 942

              Replace the Boards again, and this time ROUTE the Phone Lines through a SURGE PROTECTOR


              • blazebusiness

                Site Contributor
                1,000+ Posts
                • Apr 2010
                • 1247

                I'm with Vulkor on that surge protector for the lines. Thats the best advice.
                sigpicAnything can be made to work if you fiddle with it long enough- San Diego Copier

