Processing Slow

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  • searcher57
    • Jul 2024

    Processing Slow

    My first post. We use a Bizhub Pro 750/600 to print foreign newspapers and it works great, it has the standard 512 ram and 60hdd, we use a PCL driver. We have had it since Feb and has printed thousands of copies , rarely jams ! Yet in recent months it has a recurring problem. When the printstation sends the downloaded copy to the printer for printing it is normally quite fast and can print a newspaper in a few minutes. Every few weeks recently it has been very slow in processing , to the point of crawling and can take an hour to print a newspaper, completely unacceptable as they are sent to hotels. Sometimes it just clears itself , the last time the printer itself was uninstalled and re-installed which is a bit drastic. Anyone got any ideas, however outlandish , of what causes this ? Its lucky i have a backup printer which cause no problems, a different model , a 920, or i,d have irate customers. I had an engineer here on friday , he cleaned the memory but made no difference, the guy that can actualy fix it is on holiday ! I,d really like to know what causes this so we can take measures to prevent it.
  • Albonline
    Service Manager
    1,000+ Posts
    • Sep 2008
    • 1057

    I'd like to help you but first need more info. what os, does unit have postscript chip installed, is appletalk being used in your network?, are unix print jobs being sent to this unit?, are you routing through a print server?, what format is the document in, how large is the document?


    • searcher57

      Processing slow

      We use windows Xp, use postscript , its the ONLY PC connected to the printer as it is exclusively used to print newspapers, completely independent from my works network. No unix or appletalk involved or print server involved. The pdf documents are all different sizes. it normally prints everything fine with no problems but this slow processing is appearing every couple of weeks. Much to my annoyance ! I can only think the driver needs re-installed but surely not every few weeks.


      • Albonline
        Service Manager
        1,000+ Posts
        • Sep 2008
        • 1057

        first try resetting the unit. switch left side rear. next try installing a true lpr port. add or remove windows componates,other network features, unix printing support. once added a third choise appears in the add port wizard lpr.input ipadress of copier que name is

        print.leave the check boxes alone. this increases network xfer of doc to ip. also make sure your tech has updated the ip system code and kn card firmware. ps driver may help if a lot of images and fonts are involved.ifprint as image is checked in print driver rip times go way up.if none of this helps iwould suspect the ip 511 hardware od the image processing board ipb is a rare problem. also the ip 511 is known to lock up when hot . is copier pushed against the wall?


        • searcher57

          Processing slow

          Thanks for the input, i,ll look at all these, there is about an 8 inch gap between printer and wall. I shall report back !


          • RockETop
            Curmudgeon at large
            100+ Posts
            • Apr 2007
            • 171

            Originally posted by Albonline
            first try resetting the unit. switch left side rear. next try installing a true lpr port. add or remove windows componates,other network features, unix printing support. once added a third choise appears in the add port wizard lpr.input ipadress of copier que name is

            print.leave the check boxes alone. this increases network xfer of doc to ip. also make sure your tech has updated the ip system code and kn card firmware. ps driver may help if a lot of images and fonts are involved.ifprint as image is checked in print driver rip times go way up.if none of this helps iwould suspect the ip 511 hardware od the image processing board ipb is a rare problem. also the ip 511 is known to lock up when hot . is copier pushed against the wall?
            No IP unit here.The IC-202 more or less just completes a circuit.

            Try setting the default in the print driver to "print as image".


            • searcher57

              processing slow

              Already tried that, does not work


              • WaveyDavey
                50+ Posts
                • Sep 2008
                • 60

                we also have a customer that prints foriegn newspapers at an airport and we have similar issues with a C353P some pdf's created by whatever means just take for ever to print. the adobe answer to this is funily enough set acrobat to 'print as image' as it will print with more consistant times although still will be a long time


                • searcher57

                  not the answer i,m afraid to say, only use that is when it fails to print properly useing Adobe. The printer will usually print as normal and process eveything fast but every now and then it seems to crawl when processing something a problem that is recurring more and more. Its as if something is blocking the hard disk from processign anything, if that makes any sense!. Once it clears its fine again. I,ve switched it on and off, put loads thru the copier, printed other things yet it still wont clear. I,m just wondering if it is filled with temp files or something similar.


                  • WaveyDavey
                    50+ Posts
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 60

                    may be worth trying a new hdd


                    • pepper38_cnd
                      Field Service Manager
                      Site Contributor
                      1,000+ Posts
                      • Aug 2005
                      • 1076

                      I agree with the HD. When the tech replaces it have him drill a bunch of holes in the back cover, where the HD Fan is located, this will help with HD cooling.
                      Online Store is closed. Chip resetting is a thing of the past! Thank you to all my past customers.
                      Now into Ip TV KODI Boxes


                      • searcher57

                        was thinking that myself !!

