Help with CF2002

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  • Guitarist69
    • Jan 2010
    • 20

    Help with CF2002

    A long story but we purchased a used CF2002 from a copier tech that claimed to provide the sales as well as the service. Basically, we paid extra to have it set up as well, and he interfaced it to our network, got it printing, but could not get it to scan. Said he would send another tech out the next day to finish up the install, but never showed since we made the mistake of paying him in full when it was delivered. After numerous attempts, he won't return any calls and is nowhere to be found. In fact, I believe he's even a member of this forum - but that is not my reason for posting -plus I don't want to get into the legal issues of our recourse which we are pursuing.

    The more we look into it, we are finding other issues with it(Missing parts, cables not connected, bad printing, higher counts than origianlly claimed, and other lies, etc). At this point we are trying to figure out if it is worth it for us to put some additional money into it to or just ditch it. Aside from the printing side of it(which we can live with - may need some new IUs), but we really need it to scan. The tech claimed it was supposed to have the hard drive(HDD-5) in it, but was missing(And that is why it won't scan), but I am trying to determine if there is any way to get it to scan without a HDD(My understanding is that only affects certain distribution options)..

    What is concerning is the scan button won't activate at all(Not even with an error), and there are 2 cables with connectors by the PWB-C board that aren't attached to anything and wonding if that is part of the problem. I don't have a problem bringing a tech out here to address this issue if I could confirm that everything needed to scan is there, but at this point I don't know. I included 2 pictures below of the 2 cables that are not connected, and not sure where they go, can't imagine them connecting back to the PWB-C board since that is where the wires originate from. Is there a component missing that these should connect to.

    I am sorry to ask these basic questions but I really need some direction on what to do. I also would like to ask if anyone could recommend a good tech in the Los Angeles/Orange County area that is very familiar with the CF2002 and could give us an honest assessment of what we have to work with. If we decide to keep it, we will need a good tech for our business servicing of this unit.

    Thank you for any assistance in this difficult situation.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Guitarist69; 01-15-2010, 09:44 PM. Reason: typos
  • Albonline
    Service Manager
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    if this unit is what i think it is (konica 8020) its old as the hills and about 6 months away from obsolesence. therefore not worth very much effort/expence.


    • KEVIN900
      Copier Ninja
      100+ Posts
      • Oct 2009
      • 200

      Hate to say it, but you bought yourself one old dog. Although in any copier, there will be empty slots in control boards, and wiring harnesses that do not seem to connect to anything. they're usually reserved for various options and upgrades. But anyone selling a CF2002 is a junk dealer.


      • Guitarist69
        • Jan 2010
        • 20

        I appreciate the replies, I understand its an old model - If it was fully functional, it would suit our limited needs. Can the scan function work without a hard drive installed. One other item - On the PWB-C board there are 4 little light indicators marked R93, LED2,R102, LED1 respectively - the one marked LED2 is flashing - does this indicate a malfunction of some sort .



        • fixthecopier
          2,500+ Posts
          • Apr 2008
          • 4712

          Flashing red on a board does not mean there is a problem. The machine , when in good shape is a work horse. It sounds like you got a raw deal. I still have two of these new in the box, I can't give away, and a full used system with a little less than 100,000 on it and several other units. I would love to make someone a truckload deal, but you do not want to own anything you can not get a good tech to service. Hope you did not pay a lot, I am trying to sell the new units for $1500 obo each.
          The greatest enemy of knowledge isn't ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking


          • JustManuals
            Field Supervisor
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            This Parts & Service manual can now be purchased for $11.77 and downloaded immediately after payment from The Internet's largest collection of manuals


            • Stirton.M
              All things Konica Minolta
              1,000+ Posts
              • Oct 2009
              • 1804

              You got screwed by this guy.

              The machine is considered obsolete here in Calgary. We do not even carry basic parts for them anymore.

              As much as I despise the C350, you would have at least been better off with that machine.

              Now, as to your machine. If it copies and prints without problems, then do not worry yourself about flashing lights and disconnected plugs. If there were a serious problem with the machine, it would throw a service code.

              The lack of a hard drive on the main body will limit your scanning ability but will not prohibit it. The hard drive allows to parse a multi page document as a single file. Without it, you will get multiple files of one page each, or in the case of email, multiple emails with one page each.

              The basic setting for scanning is as follows.

              Solution ID TAUS0630896EN* Solution Usage 0
              SCANNER CAN NOT BE USED NOW message displayed after pressing the SCAN button.
              CAUSE: Incorrect setting of the controller or peripheral mode.
              SOLUTION: Change the Peripheral mode of the controller to CONTROLER 2, MODE 1. To do this perform the following:
              1. Access the Tech rep mode (press the [UTILITY] button and select [meter count], press Stop, 0, 0, Stop, 0, and 1).
              2. Select System Input.
              3. Select Peripheral Setting
              4. Select Controller 2, Mode 1.
              5. Press END.
              6. Press FIN. TIME to return to the main copy screen.

              Bad printing may be due to the image units you mentioned, worn transfer belt or worn fuser or maybe the LED bed. Or perhaps it just needs adjusting and cleaning. Site unseen, just guessing really.

              Is it worth fixing? Well, if you want it to print well, no. The cost of those consumables would exceed the cost even "Fixthecopier" is willing to sell his machines, and as I understand are brand new for $1500 plus transport costs.

              I advise you to call your local KM Branch and see if they are willing to send out a tech to help you out.

              And if you know the tech who sold you that POS from here, name them. Reputation is important to some here and we can ensure they either help you out or....well...can't beat em up for ya....
              "Many years ago I chased a woman for almost two years, only to discover that her tastes were exactly like mine: we both were crazy about girls."
              ---Groucho Marx

              Please do not PM me for questions related to Konica Minolta hardware.
              I will not answer requests or questions there.
              Please ask in the KM forum for the benefit of others to see the question and give their input.


              • Guitarist69
                • Jan 2010
                • 20

                Thanks for the help. I am still having difficulty getting the unit to even go into scan mode - When i press the scan key, the key won't light up and nothing happens it doesn't even show "Scanner Cannot be Used" message per the tech builtin. I changed the Controller to Controller 2, Mode 1, but that didn't help - Won't go into Scan Mode at all

                I did notice in the System Input menu that under Hard Drive it was set to "Unset" so i tried changing it to "Set" since I was originally told it had a Hard Drive, and Pagecope Light then acknowldged a 10gb HD being installed, but then it started showing Error code C-12CO on the main menu, which related to the HD not being attached to the PWb-F. Does that sound right - could it stillhave the HD installed but not connected correctly. Is there an easy way to physically check - I can't figure out where the HD would be located in the unit(Not in the service manual). I really don't want to get into but am still trying to figure out what I actually have in order to decide how to proceed-whether to hire a tech or just dump the unit, and go after the seller in small claims court.

                The individual that sold the unit is on this forum under the name "kmteck" - real name Chris Menera. He is selling his stuff on Craiglist and he also is advertising on the net under a name of Digital Imaging Systems even though its not a legitimate company from what I can tell. I did not pay alot for the unit so I probably got what I paid for, but the real issue is him making promises and statement about the unit condition, the included parts and accessories, and his servicing of it, and then not following through once we paid him in full. On delivery day, we were supposed to get an 8031 with the Fiery controller, but he showed up with the CF2002 with the regulat controller(claimed that Fiery wouldn't work with our Win7). Speedwise the CF2002 is not the same as an 8031 but we accepted it. He got it to print, but could not get it to scan, and said it was because the Hard Drive that was supposed to be included was not in there, and he would send a tech out the next day to resolve it - That was the last we saw of him since we paid him at delivery. We later realized that it was missing some parts in the glass area - missing IR right cover, bad printing etc. We correspondended via email and a few phone calls and he lead us to believe he would resolve the issues, but now at this point he's avoiding our emails and calls.

                Any more help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.


                • Stirton.M
                  All things Konica Minolta
                  1,000+ Posts
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 1804

                  Hmmm....I had seen a few of his posts here and there...he seemed to me a knowledgeable fellow, willing to help. I dunno what to say about that aside from trying to contact him through his profile via PM.

                  As for the 2002, it is the same as a 3102 or for that matter, an 8031 for the most part. Physically there is little difference between the three variants aside from speed as you noted.

                  I am a bit confused however that you are not able to get the controller to allow scanning. I need to verify, do you have a fiery controller on the machine? It should look like the one on the following the thumbnails for larger image. Basically, there is a white coloured metal box attached to the back side of the main body of the copier.

                  Print Controllers CN3102e Print Controller, Fiery X3e+ 960839 CN3102e X3e Fiery X3e 31C-M

                  This gets its power directly from the copier and should initialize with the copier's main power switch. It usually takes about 5 minutes for the fiery to fully initialized (it is like a computer, though very slow to boot one).

                  If you do not have one of these and are printing from the internal controller of the 2002, this is a bit different. It is referred to as the 3101e fiery controller. It is inside the main body of the copier, rather than simply mount on the back side. If you look at the right side of the copier, the exposed silver metal plate on the rear side will contain the controller in the upper right portion. Not much there aside from the network port. See first attached image for a drawing of what I am referring too, highlighted in yellow. If that is what you have, the controller type is wrong and should be set to type 3. I've included the setup instructions for this controller for you to use.

                  As for the hard drive, the error code you got was related to that. It is most likely missing. Not that it has to be there. This is considered an option. See HDD5 setup instructions for this.

                  Though I doubt the hard drive is required for scanning, I could be wrong. Quite frankly, all the machines I have ever worked on came fully loaded and all had the 3102e controller.

                  Hopefully we can get you going though. Outside of this, I defer to fixthecopier's expertise on these machines.
                  Attached Files
                  "Many years ago I chased a woman for almost two years, only to discover that her tastes were exactly like mine: we both were crazy about girls."
                  ---Groucho Marx

                  Please do not PM me for questions related to Konica Minolta hardware.
                  I will not answer requests or questions there.
                  Please ask in the KM forum for the benefit of others to see the question and give their input.


                  • mrwho
                    Major Asshole!
                    Site Contributor
                    2,500+ Posts
                    • Apr 2009
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                    I'm sorry for only stumbling with this post today. I have a couple of these machines which I am responsible for, and maybe I can be of help if any help is possible with your problem.

                    Clarify just a couple of things with me, please:

                    - You can copy and print without problems?
                    - You problem is only with scanning documents to your computers?
                    ' "But the salesman said . . ." The salesman's an asshole!'

                    'You will always find some Eskimo ready to instruct the Congolese on how to cope with heat waves.'


                    I'm just an ex-tech lurking around and spreading disinformation!


                    • Guitarist69
                      • Jan 2010
                      • 20

                      Thanks to everybody with the help thus far - I am making progress, but still not scanning yet. To answer the poster above - I am printing and copying okay -just not scanning yet

                      I have the 3101e controller (Tech was supposed to provide the Fiery CN3102e but ended up bringing out a unit with the 3101e). I pulled the control board out to verify I do not have a hard drive installed as I was supposed to have.

                      I activated the Controller 3 for scanning, and now can get into the scan menu(I set up ftp and also email settings) and can get the unit to go through the process, but still no scanned document in either mode. If I understand the previous posts , without the Hard drive, even if i get scanning to work, it will create multiple files of one page only(even with FTP) - This is going to be an issue as I need to scan large documents.

                      In any case, I set up a small ftp server with some free software mentioned elsewhere on this forum(Typsoftftp) and believe I have it configured correctly, but when I run the scan, after 15 seconds or so the CF2002 keeps coming back with a message "Job has been done improperly - Check the record". When i check the FTP server log it shows the CF2002 connecting to the ftp server, connecting the user and directory, but then shows the CF2002s IP address as disconnected, so something is causing it to drop the connection. I also made sure my router is allowing traffic through port 21(FTP).

                      I am so close . . .

                      you guys have been so helpful thus far . . .

                      On another note - anybody have a hard drive kit for this system that they would want to sell for cheap, as I am most likely going to need it if we get this working and I am sure the other tech is not going to provide it at this point.



                      • Stirton.M
                        All things Konica Minolta
                        1,000+ Posts
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 1804

                        Ok...semi-easy part...

                        You can use a standard laptop hard drive. If you look at the setup instructions I posted earlier, you will see there is a special mounting bracket and right angle plug. Its been a very long time since I looked at one of these, but I am assuming you could likely get away with a special ribbon connector to connect between the board and the hard disk instead of the molded plastic thing shown in the manual. It is possible someone could sell you this install kit minus the drive and you can get one yourself. Because of the age of this series machine however, I am uncertain what the maximum drive size is for this. A slightly newer C350 can handle 160Gb for certain, but this...not sure if there is an upper cylinder limit (old PC issue) that restricted drives to below 132Gb. You might have to make the ribbon cable connector custom. But it should work in a pinch. Mounting might be another isssue.

                        As for the scanning, good to see we have that part dealt with.

                        There is a specific way to create the scan to ftp buttons. Basically you need to create the ftp port itself separate from the scan buttons and then through the scan buttons use that ftp tunnel to send your file to a specific directory on that ftp.

                        The user manual can be found through this link, the manual on the bottom of the page, to download, click the blue icon on the right side of the page.

                        Konica Minolta Knowlegebase

                        See attached images for the specifics
                        Attached Files
                        "Many years ago I chased a woman for almost two years, only to discover that her tastes were exactly like mine: we both were crazy about girls."
                        ---Groucho Marx

                        Please do not PM me for questions related to Konica Minolta hardware.
                        I will not answer requests or questions there.
                        Please ask in the KM forum for the benefit of others to see the question and give their input.


                        • Guitarist69
                          • Jan 2010
                          • 20

                          Thanks again for all of the good info. I did set up the FTP functions already as detailed above but will try again tomorrow, maybe with another FTP server software - Another thread discussed a user having issues getting TypsoftFTP to work with a Cf3202 but it worked with Quick n easy FtP, so that could be my issue as well, as it is communication with the ftp but the job is not finishing.

                          Regarding the hard drive, I had heard you could use a laptop drive . . . I will figure this one out.

                          I am really thankful for all of your help . . .


                          • Stirton.M
                            All things Konica Minolta
                            1,000+ Posts
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 1804

                            Funny that one thing that is so often overlooked is that windows has a built in FTP server. Go into add/remove programs, select "Add/remove windows components" Place a check mark beside "Internet Information Services (IIS)" and click ok. You will be prompted to insert the windows cd. After a short while, IIS will be installed. It has a web host, so you could literally set up your own website locally on your computer and browse to it through your local network. FTP also comes with that. No need to buy anything. And as long as the pc is behind a router and separate from the net, it is secure.

                            Hell, even Windows 7 comes with it.

                            There is some reading involved...actually, quite a bit...IIS FTP is by no means simple, but once it is set up, it will function quite well to your needs.

                            Speaking of firewall, this may be your problem on the PC you are trying to scan to. To verify, disable the firewall on that PC and try a scan.
                            "Many years ago I chased a woman for almost two years, only to discover that her tastes were exactly like mine: we both were crazy about girls."
                            ---Groucho Marx

                            Please do not PM me for questions related to Konica Minolta hardware.
                            I will not answer requests or questions there.
                            Please ask in the KM forum for the benefit of others to see the question and give their input.


                            • Guitarist69
                              • Jan 2010
                              • 20

                              I got the scanning to FTP working. I ended up ditching typsoftFTP and switched to Quick N easy FTP and got it working no problem. As you said it parses out multipage documents into separate files because of the missing harddrive, but at least its scanning now - Cool

                              I have now been working on getting the scan to email function going but not sure if its possibey since we are not on an exchange email server(We use outside pop3 mail- Yahoo Business Mail). I contacted my ISP provider(AT&T) and obtained alternate smtp setting for our DSL account that aren't using SSL or authentication but it doesn't seem to work. I am starting to think it cannot be used with outside servers since most of them have security to protect against spam etc and the CF2002 doesn't let you set up those options(SSL etc). Is there any other option, such as a way to set up a small smpt server on our internal network, or another outside(preferably free) email service that would work for this - We are really just trying to scan to email accounts within our company.

