konica minolta di 2010f constantly sending and recieving fake faxes

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  • brent
    Service Manager

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    • Nov 2008
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    konica minolta di 2010f constantly sending and recieving fake faxes

    constantly sends to nowhere and recieves from no where. beeps all the time. and I printed the activity report out and it showed some faxes recieved and sent. and also it says the word. INTERR on the activity report. I tried to initialize. then memory clear. then replaced the little chip that sits on the side. nothing
    what would be my next logical step before the mfb board? pwb a?

    thanks guy's

  • blackcat4866
    Master Of The Obvious

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    Re: konica minolta di 2010f constantly sending and recieving fake faxes

    Have you tried installing a simple handset to see if the line is actually ringing, and if it is ringing are they fax communications, or something else?

    You may very well have a modem going nuts, unsuccessfully trying to communicate with a fax.

    The closest I've every experienced myself is when we were using Sharp's fax remote diagnostic program RED. Certain machines, once contacted would continually try to re-contact RED computer. I don't remember what we did to stop it. I think it was an All Clear. =^..^=
    If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
    1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
    2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
    3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
    4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
    5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

    blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


    • TheOwl
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      Re: konica minolta di 2010f constantly sending and recieving fake faxes

      Is the fax on the same line as something like an EFTPOS unit? Try unplugging the fax line to the machine and ring the fax number.

      You could also try turning off dial tone detection in service mode and then leave the fax temporarily unplugged and see if it still tries to send mystery faxes. If so, the problem is with the machine and if not, then the problem is with the lines.
      Please don't ask me for firmware or service manuals as refusal often offends.


      • KEVIN900
        Copier Ninja

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        Re: konica minolta di 2010f constantly sending and recieving fake faxes

        Easiest fix, off the beeps in Admin Mode.


        • brent
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          Re: konica minolta di 2010f constantly sending and recieving fake faxes

          thanks for all the thoughts. more background. this all started 2 weeks ago when they had phone problems. since then it has been on and off. I go into the fax screen and hit on hook dial. in a good machine you can hear the tone. but this one you can kind of hear it. then it tries to redial. or recieve. so I will take your thought and go have another look tomorrow. it possibly could just be the phone line going crazy. or the fax board. i have extras. just thought I would pic your alls brains. thanks so much



          • brent
            Service Manager

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            Re: konica minolta di 2010f constantly sending and recieving fake faxes

            oh. and owl I did remove the line from the machine. and it did not seem to send or recieve... it is all starting to make more sence.

            and yes. I shut the beeps off. for my own sanity.. lol

            thanks guys brent


            • The-Peanut
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              Re: konica minolta di 2010f constantly sending and recieving fake faxes

              fire in a loan fax machine, see if the loan fax has any issues, if it does, its not your problem, its the people who maintain the telephone system,

              Is the line dedicated or shared with a Franking machine,broadband, fire alarm system, or even a credit card system?

              i'm wondering if any of them if connected may be receiving remote dialing


              • brent
                Service Manager

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                • Nov 2008
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                Re: konica minolta di 2010f constantly sending and recieving fake faxes

                I went to the machine today and it was fine. of course. but then later today they called back. it is doing the same thing. I had them unplug the phone line. and all the poblems went away. but of course they can not fax. so I am left to believe that it is the phone line. it is a dedicate fax line that started goofing up 2 weeks ago. so they are going to get a tech from the phone company out next week. but of course he is going to say its the fax machine.. lol ... she also said she could hear when it tried to fax there were peoples voices she could hear. sounds like a bad phone line to me!!!

                thanks for the help
                hope the phone company can come through on this one


                • blackcat4866
                  Master Of The Obvious

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                  Re: konica minolta di 2010f constantly sending and recieving fake faxes

                  It sounds like you need a phone line tester:

                  If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
                  1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
                  2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
                  3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
                  4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
                  5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

                  blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


                  • mjunkaged
                    Trusted Tech

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                    Re: konica minolta di 2010f constantly sending and recieving fake faxes

                    Been diagnosing fax problems for over a decade. BUY A CHEAP WIRED TELEPHONE!! then you can see if the dial tone is weak in the 'handset' you just bought for under $10 at a drugstore/dollar store.
                    Also, INTERR means, the customer INTERRUPTED the fax TX or RX. If anything external is connected to the tel jack on the copier, or at a splitter at the wall jack, or at another jack w/ the same number, that's your culprit.
                    ALSO, if they have a DSL modem, make sure the machine has a DSL FILTER if the fax # is same as DSL #.

                    Sometimes, the cust. gets a new phone sys. that requires a '9' to be dialed when one didn't before. Esp. if it's related to sending faxes using the one-touches programmed (which it sounds like you've wiped if they existed)
                    ALWAYS go for the phone line when having send/rcv. problems FIRST. And, NEVER COUNT ON A PHONE GUY TO FIND THE PROBLEM. They probably glossed over fax theory for 30 sec. in phone-guy skool.


                    • brent
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                      Re: konica minolta di 2010f constantly sending and recieving fake faxes

                      it is so intermittent. hard to tell. yesterday when I was there. it was hard to go into the (on hook) or what ever its called. that is how I can hear the phone tone. when I hit that I could hear tone. but lots of static and other stuff in the line. like I said earlier. today it was fine in the morning. crappy in the afternoon. I already know the phone guy will come in monday and say. hell it's fine! I am counting on that. so I will buy a line tester. and well go from there.

                      thanks for your thoughts


                      • EarthKmTech
                        Step aside, noob

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                        Re: konica minolta di 2010f constantly sending and recieving fake faxes

                        if the copiers plugged into an analog line card in a phone system, I'd be more suspicious of the phone system being at fault than the copier.

                        as others have said, a simple handset is a mandatory minimum piece of test equipment for diagnosing fax issues, 99.9% of the time there is no issue with the machine at all and its just the line.

                        easy earner too, "faults not with the machine, YOU GOTTA PAY!"

                        PS, a constant ring chirp on the line is usually a misconfiguration on the phone system, double check that the line is not setup for voice mail.


                        • blackcat4866
                          Master Of The Obvious

                          Site Contributor
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                          • Jul 2007
                          • 22619

                          Re: konica minolta di 2010f constantly sending and recieving fake faxes

                          This is a little off-topic, but I thought I'd throw it out there:

                          I've come across this situation at least twice before. The first time it was the emergency alarm system modem which shares the fax line. The customer had a power outage which reset the alarm system modem to answer on the first ring. The fax was set to answer on the second ring. So the fax would ring once, but never answer or receive, because the alarm system modem was grabbing the receptions. The alarm company was called, and reprogrammed their modem, and all was right with the world again.

                          Another common situation is when the fax shares a line with a credit card machine or postage machine. All these devices are stupid machines. They have no way of checking if the line is available. When the process is started it just talks right over any other device already using the line. Then both transactions fail. And the customer says "We never use the credit card machine when the fax is working ... " And how do you know know when that is? All faxes nowadays use memory reception and transmission. There is no way for you to know until you hear all that additional squawking from the fax monitor. By then it's too late.
                          If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
                          1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
                          2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
                          3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
                          4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
                          5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.

                          blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=


                          • brent
                            Service Manager

                            Site Contributor
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                            • Nov 2008
                            • 1148

                            Re: konica minolta di 2010f constantly sending and recieving fake faxes

                            you guy's are the best.
                            I have advised said customer that they problem is in the phone line
                            it just started all of the sudden. I probably will find that they hooked up another
                            device to that line. or the line has a problem.

                            i will know soon.


