Just how Crazy is Donald Trump!

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  • SalesServiceGuy
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    Just how Crazy is Donald Trump!

    I will start this thread but the responses will be varied. I would take Obama or Romney or McCain or Bush back in a heart beat.

    I think America really stepped in it this time!

    Make America great again, for old white rich guys.
    Last edited by SalesServiceGuy; 02-26-2017, 07:21 AM.
  • SalesServiceGuy
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    Re: Just how Crazy is Donald Trump!

    Not a minute after I asked the question, Trump bails on the long traditional White House Correspondents dinner. A well followed fund raiser for journalism scholarships.

    He knows he cannot compete with Obama's last dinner,aka the famous Larry Wilmour, "yo my niggar" and Luther "the anger translator".

    Not since 1981 has a President missed this dinner, including Reagan who was recovering from gun shot woulds at the time.

    22:00 min mark

    the whole thing
    Last edited by SalesServiceGuy; 02-26-2017, 07:53 AM.


    • SalesServiceGuy
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      Re: Just how Crazy is Donald Trump!

      What an amazing ride!


      • theengel
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        Re: Just how Crazy is Donald Trump!

        Don't know why you brought this up but...

        I like him. He's the first president to work hard to accomplish what he promised to do. And most of the stuff he wanted to do is stuff I think should be done.

        Don't really care if he didn't attend a dinner with a bunch of lynch mob members. Doesn't bother me a bit.


        • mx6turbo89
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          Re: Just how Crazy is Donald Trump!

          Theangel, I agree, he made a great decision not to join the dinner. He's not going to back down from a fight or kiss anybody's a$$.....I like that.

          Salesserviceguy, your location says you're from Canada. What concern is it of yours whom we chose for our President?


          • tech28
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            Re: Just how Crazy is Donald Trump!

            Voted for the guy also, think he's his own man, love that in a person, march's to his own tune, he didn't have to do what he's doing, didn't need to or for that matter doesn't have to. Most everything, anything he does, say's , he doesn't do or say will get the lefties in a bunch, take away California, NY, he wins by 3 million votes, and the economy is looking better, people have more optimism, people just have to get over the hate, and suck it up, like the other side did with the Big O for 8 years.


            • zed255
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              Re: Just how Crazy is Donald Trump!

              Originally posted by mx6turbo89
              Theangel, I agree, he made a great decision not to join the dinner. He's not going to back down from a fight or kiss anybody's a$$.....I like that.

              Salesserviceguy, your location says you're from Canada. What concern is it of yours whom we chose for our President?
              Can't speak directly for tho OP, but what goes on in the US can, and has in the past, had substantial impact on us in Canada. The US is our single largest trading partner. Decisions made south of the 49th are watched pretty closely by us Canucks as they do matter to us much of the time.

              Frankly, he scares the hell out of me. Comes off as a real loose cannon type. Hopefully his advisors and chiefs of staff can 'temper' him a little. Not that the alternative was any better, and may well have been worse. I'm actually much less likely to visit the US with Trump in office.


              • SalesServiceGuy
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                Re: Just how crazy is Donald Trump!

                The Trump Presidency is of great concern to people around the world and within the USA.

                The last president to miss the dinner was Ronald Reagan, who sat out because he was he recovering from an assassination attempt in 1981, although he still delivered remarks by phone.

                Trump's decision is not surprising given the negative things the President has said about the media, such as suggesting they are "the enemy of the American people."

                Several news organizations had already withdrawn from the April 29 event in protest of Trump's treatment of the media.

                The media is an incredibly important part of a vibrant republic which is celebrated at that dinner.


                • theengel
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                  Re: Just how Crazy is Donald Trump!

                  I think most Americans are pretty tired of the main-stream press, and Trump is just vocalizing what a lot of us have been feeling for quite some time. The "media" is becoming less important every day, as Trump finally calls them out on their shenanigans. The top networks are nothing but leftist podiums, and a huge number of Americans are misrepresented there. We're tired of being called racist and homophobes etc. We want someone who will stand up to these baseless generalizations. Trump is doing that.

                  We're also tired of the snowflakes who cry every time they don't get their way and throw around the word "offended" whenever someone offers an opposing opinion.


                  • 1stcavvet
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                    Re: Just how Crazy is Donald Trump!

                    34 days in and the SNOWFLAKES have never stopped bitching, give it a rest, you complainers never said a word about all the dishonesty in Obama's regime, all the money changing hands with the Clinton's crime family, and still make like it never happened. You think it's ridiculous for anyone to even bring it up. Open your eyes, Trump is at least more honest and hard working for US, yes all the people, than the last regime. without all the underhanded and closed door crap like Obama and the Clintons. NO NO!!! you don't have to say thank you. I voted for Trump to save my country, not just for all you stupid asses that were being led to slaughter and didn't even realize it!!!! YOUR WELCOME


                    • KenB
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                      Re: Just how Crazy is Donald Trump!

                      On the lighter side:

                      “I think you should treat good friends like a fine wine. That’s why I keep mine locked up in the basement.” - Tim Hawkins


                      • Iowatech
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                        Re: Just how crazy is Donald Trump!

                        Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy
                        The Trump Presidency is of great concern to people around the world and within the USA.

                        The last president to miss the dinner was Ronald Reagan, who sat out because he was he recovering from an assassination attempt in 1981, although he still delivered remarks by phone.

                        Trump's decision is not surprising given the negative things the President has said about the media, such as suggesting they are "the enemy of the American people."

                        Several news organizations had already withdrawn from the April 29 event in protest of Trump's treatment of the media.

                        The media is an incredibly important part of a vibrant republic which is celebrated at that dinner.
                        After all the overly dramatic negative things the press has said about President Trump, is it any wonder he gives them crap?
                        Meh, drama sells I guess. I guess I don't find it as entertaining as you do, but whatever.
                        Still, that's the wonder of the First Amendment, it allows stuff like this to be the normal way of things. You should try it some time.


                        • copyman
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                          Re: Just how Crazy is Donald Trump!

                          I also voted for Trump. The main reason is I was sick and tired of paying for the illegal's free healthcare when I have to pay $968 per month for SINGLE coverage! Any of you Obama / Hillary lovers that think this is fair can go FU#K yourselves! You and all the other Dem's are living in a fantasy world! WAKE UP !!!

                          LOL, It is great seeing the Dem's cry knowing the Rep's own the house & senate. The party's over !!!! AMERICA will be GREAT again!

                          And probably the best thing that will happen is having conservative supreme court for next 25+ yrs. Trump will most likely appoint a 2nd judge during his term. This will give complete control of supreme court to conservatives for next generation!!!


                          • emujo
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                            Re: Just how Crazy is Donald Trump!

                            I wanted a president that would
                            1. Attempt to deal with the illegal immigration issue. Too much of my tax dollars are spent on welfare for these groups, and I do believe that the factions that want us (the US ) dead are coming in this way.
                            2. Get the US into trade positions that are favorable to US companies to keep and create jobs for anyone that wants to work
                            3. Shore up the "entitlements" programs that I (and millions of people like me) have paid into for nearly 40 years. Because of so many democratic policies, the majority of companies do not offer pensions so we are on our own in our "Golden" years.
                            4. Shit-can the AHCA. This piece of legislation has taken thousands from my take home pay, and added almost the same amount to my out of pocket expenses. The whole thing sucks because insurance still isn't affordable. When it costs over $40K to fix a broken leg, that's where the real problem is. Insurance companies have to cover these costs and the only way to do it is to pass the rate hikes to their customers.
                            5. Get the federal government out of deciding whether boys can use the girls room and vice versa, and putting a stop to LGBT life style being a protected group under the current anti discrimination laws.
                            6. Get tougher on criminals instead of making gun laws only harsher on law abiding citizens.
                            7. Get the deficit under control and not just hope that wishful US GDP increases will make everything better.
                            8. Establish term limits for all elected officials.

                            So far I'm happy with my choice, so "crazy" maybe, but it works for me. Emujo
                            If you don't see your question answered in the forum, please don't think it's OK to PM me for a personal reply...I do not give out firmware and/or manuals.


                            • Phil B.
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                              Re: Just how Crazy is Donald Trump!

                              Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy
                              Not a minute after I asked the question, Trump bails on the long traditional White House Correspondents dinner. A well followed fund raiser for journalism scholarships.

                              He knows he cannot compete with Obama's last dinner,aka the famous Larry Wilmour, "yo my niggar" and Luther "the anger translator".

                              Not since 1981 has a President missed this dinner, including Reagan who was recovering from gun shot woulds at the time.

                              22:00 min mark

                              the whole thing

                              how about you snowflakes just get over it..

