I'm in my mid 50s, and when I think back about my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents (I was born early enough to actually remember them unlike my brothers) I don't think of them, or the majority of the people in their time frame as morons, or haters, lazy, etc. I know they had ideas that turned out to be wrong but they supported their family, community and country. I honestly thought my parents were pretty stupid, but around my 1st job I quickly re assessed that opinion. What is it about the last few generations that have turned them against us so much? Our opinions are meaningless to them, our work ethics have not been ingrained in them. How can a young man in his mid 20s be OK with no job, and continue to suckle off the teat of his parents and demand everything be given to him. Why is it that because you were born I am responsible for you until I die? I just cannot wrap my head around this...Emujo
Generational differences
Re: Generational differences
I'm in my mid 50s, and when I think back about my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents (I was born early enough to actually remember them unlike my brothers) I don't think of them, or the majority of the people in their time frame as morons, or haters, lazy, etc. I know they had ideas that turned out to be wrong but they supported their family, community and country. I honestly thought my parents were pretty stupid, but around my 1st job I quickly re assessed that opinion. What is it about the last few generations that have turned them against us so much? Our opinions are meaningless to them, our work ethics have not been ingrained in them. How can a young man in his mid 20s be OK with no job, and continue to suckle off the teat of his parents and demand everything be given to him. Why is it that because you were born I am responsible for you until I die? I just cannot wrap my head around this...Emujo
Schools today are not teaching anything of value. They are all becoming indoctrination centers that glorify the left and demonize anyone that dares disagree with them. Look at how they rioted over a conservative speaker invited to speak in Berkley. In fact right now part of the mantra is if you actually say "work hard and you will succeed" is now a micro aggression racist statement.
And remember the new teachers being hired to teach in public schools, especially junior and senior high, over the last ten years have come from the very environment that college campuses have become. -
Re: Generational differences
I don't know if this fits the theme, but I want to comment on current ideas of comedy. Sure, there have always been insult comics, but sitcoms have become a half hour long string of insulting profanity. Nothing funny there for me. I just don't get it. I just flip it off. =^..^=If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.
blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=Comment
Re: Generational differences
Just take a look at a lot of the headlines about colleges. The poor little snowflakes that needed a safe space to recover in because someone actually used chalk to write a pro Trump campaign slogan on some sidewalks. Or the college flakes traumatized because a campus republican club dared to put their newspapers on sale on campus right there next to sidewalks where everyone could actually read the headlines.
Schools today are not teaching anything of value. They are all becoming indoctrination centers that glorify the left and demonize anyone that dares disagree with them. Look at how they rioted over a conservative speaker invited to speak in Berkley. In fact right now part of the mantra is if you actually say "work hard and you will succeed" is now a micro aggression racist statement.
And remember the new teachers being hired to teach in public schools, especially junior and senior high, over the last ten years have come from the very environment that college campuses have become.Comment
Re: Generational differences
I don't know if this fits the theme, but I want to comment on current ideas of comedy. Sure, there have always been insult comics, but sitcoms have become a half hour long string of insulting profanity. Nothing funny there for me. I just don't get it. I just flip it off. =^..^=Comment
Re: Generational differences
I don't know if this fits the theme, but I want to comment on current ideas of comedy. Sure, there have always been insult comics, but sitcoms have become a half hour long string of insulting profanity. Nothing funny there for me. I just don't get it. I just flip it off. =^..^=Comment
Re: Generational differences
We probably all thought our parents were idiots... until we hit the real world. I think the problem right now is that so many people are NOT hitting the real world.
When we moved out and tried to make our way, all those stupid ideas we had were challenged. We had to adjust our way of thinking to compensate all the things we'd never considered. But when Johnny is never forced out of the basement, he's able to go to college without having to really strive for anything. Then, even after college, he's still having a large portion of his responsibilities removed. I mean even people with jobs are still clinging to the nest. Finally, at 30 years old, when he's ready to commit to a long term relationship and move in with a girl, he's already accomplished a certain stature in his career, even though (like us) he didn't have to struggle for it. His path is ALWAYS safe. From birth to death, he never has to just 'make do.'
Now you got a 40 year old douche bag, who hasn't a clue about what it really takes to get by in our country. He's bound to complain about the personality of politicians, and never really consider what the politicians are SUPPOSED to be accomplishing. And he's bound to think our way of doing things is outdated and old-fashioned. He believes he's found a better way.Comment
If you'd like a serious answer to your request:
1) demonstrate that you've read the manual
2) demonstrate that you made some attempt to fix it.
3) if you're going to ask about jams include the jam code.
4) if you're going to ask about an error code include the error code.
5) You are the person onsite. Only you can make observations.
blackcat: Master Of The Obvious =^..^=Comment
Re: Generational differences
it is just a reflection of the lack of moral values that we we see in " comedy " today.
I have to agree that colleges are nothing more than a liberal indoctrination center today. It has even slid down to the middle/elementary school levels. Doing work in many schools I am amazed to see what and how things are being taught. I have even witnessed a "teacher" in a middle school ridiculing a student on their views of the country - liberty - religion... shameful
oh and lets not even get into the debate of teaching sex ed in school.Comment
Re: Generational differences
No i'm actually saying it is the dimwitted liberal leftist nonsense being used to indoctrinate the recent and current college students. Besides of course any leftist can imply Trump being blamed while conveniently ignoring the ten years reference. So no I'm actually blaming Shillary and her crowd.Comment
Re: Generational differences
no the comedians of the era NEVER did use " blue comedy " .. they did however make fun of themselves or parody ( in a good way ) different groups ( ie Keystone Cops )
it is just a reflection of the lack of moral values that we we see in " comedy " today.
I have to agree that colleges are nothing more than a liberal indoctrination center today. It has even slid down to the middle/elementary school levels. Doing work in many schools I am amazed to see what and how things are being taught. I have even witnessed a "teacher" in a middle school ridiculing a student on their views of the country - liberty - religion... shameful
oh and lets not even get into the debate of teaching sex ed in school.
And they had some really strict broadcast standards. For example "All in the Family" was the first broadcast show that actually had the sound of a toilet flushing. Then there was the problem on several shows with as they said back then, "scantily clad women" showing their belly buttons. You know like Maryann in "Gilligan's Island" or Jennie on "I dream of Jennie"
If you can receive a network called Decades they actually rerun "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In" Be prepared to wonder at some of the humor it is after all social commentary from the late 60's and early 70's. But they are funny. And if you can actually see the source of the current blonde jokes humor. Her name is Goldie Hawn and as smart as she has shown herself to be her characters on the show were definitely the source of dumb blonde jokes. Then again back when the show was on the air the popular jokes being told were of an ethnic character. Either Polish or Italian ethnic groups were object of the jokes. But a certain comedian started telling the exact same jokes with rednecks as the butt of the sarcasm.Last edited by gneebore; 08-02-2017, 11:24 PM.Comment
Re: Generational differences
And how about the new trend in every show..At least one gay couple that must be shown making out. I can't tell you how many shows have been destroyed for me by this crap, save all the PDAs (including hetro) for the big screen where people that want to see this can pay for it. It's found it's way into the commercials now too. How can such a low % of the population have such an effect on the rest of us..And please, I really don't want to hear about how I'm such a homophobe, I couldn't care less what the gay couple down the street is doing in their bedroom at night, but I draw the line at the transgender stuff. Tattoo some stripes on me and surgically add a tail, and presto!! I'm a tiger. Geez. EMujoComment
Re: Generational differences
No i'm actually saying it is the dimwitted liberal leftist nonsense being used to indoctrinate the recent and current college students. Besides of course any leftist can imply Trump being blamed while conveniently ignoring the ten years reference. So no I'm actually blaming Shillary and her crowd.Comment
Re: Generational differences
Re :TV, Comedy profanity....
How the "human value system" or acceptable moral standard of todays broadcast to the wider community has changed drastically from old.
I remember in my day, when television first started broadcasting, comedy was on the production genere'.
We had a television comedian by the name of Graham Kennedy with many talents. (TV era: 1960s-1990s)
His greats claim to fame was when he walked out onto the stage and said to the audience:
"How the f#$^ are ya's". The outburst of profanity cost him a few years banned from Live TV and Radio.
He returned to Television years later and become famous for his audible crow call arrrk arrk which
he would add the consonant f.aaaarrrk f.aaarrk on national TV and Radio.
Point in question: profanity an its "expressionism" is given the normalisation in society, along with the overall social moral degradation that comes with it. What was once an un-acceptable moral from previous generations of people, is now acceptable moral with out any legal consequence's. If Graham Kennedy were alive, he'd be immortalised with the title "King of Profanity" instead of the "King of Television" title he has today.
But the legal law back then stopped social moral degradation at the grass roots. The law today looks the other way when it's expressed on Broadcast media.
What social degradation will be normalised into our social system in the coming generation years.
Some further Trivia :
Last edited by NeoMatrix; 08-03-2017, 04:37 AM.Inauguration to the "AI cancel-culture" fraternity 1997...
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Re: Generational differences
Re :TV, Comedy profanity....
How the "human value system" or acceptable moral standard of todays broadcast to the wider community has changed drastically from old.
I remember in my day, when television first started broadcasting, comedy was on the production genere'.
We had a television comedian by the name of Graham Kennedy with many talents. (1960s-1990s)
His greats claim to fame was when he walked out onto the stage and said to the audience:
"How the f#$^ are ya's". The outburst of profanity cost him a few years banned from Live TV and Radio.
He returned to Television years later and become famous for his audible crow call arrrk arrk which
he would add the consonant f.aaaarrrk f.aaarrk on national TV and Radio.
Point in question: profanity an its "expressionism" is given the normalisation in society, along with the overall social moral degradation that comes with it. What was once an inacceptable moral from previous generations of people, is now acceptable moral with out any legal consequence's. If Graham Kennedy were alive, he'd be immortalised with the title "King of Profanity" instead of the "King of Television" title he has today.
But the legal law back then stopped social moral degradation at the grass roots. The law today looks the other way when it's expressed on Broadcast media.
What social degradation will be normalised into our social system in the coming generation years.
Some further Trivia :
As for what is going to become normalized in the coming years heck it could be just about anything. Like all those years ago when Soap was first broadcast and it was ground breaking to have a gay character. Truthfully I do not remember if they ever introduced his partner or not. After two or three shows I gave up on the show because it just was not funny. And now the shows are almost required to have a gay couple as members of the core cast.Comment