Rise Of Technology

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  • NeoMatrix
    Senior Tech.

    2,500+ Posts
    • Nov 2010
    • 3514


    [People] Rise Of Technology

    I started this post for those people who like to keep an eye on the rise of technology.
    There are legal,ethical and moral issues that are happening world wide with advances in technology.

    The forum is open for full debate and critique of all past and present technology good,bad or otherwise.
    Last edited by NeoMatrix; 07-18-2018, 04:01 AM.
    Inauguration to the "AI cancel-culture" fraternity 1997...
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  • NeoMatrix
    Senior Tech.

    2,500+ Posts
    • Nov 2010
    • 3514

    Re: Rise Of Technology

    Does any one watch the SBS TV channel documentary series call "MotherBoard"
    I cannot find the latest TV episode that shows directly how hackers use computer printers to hack into any electronic device in a room.

    The following is a youtube primer for the SBS show "Motherboard"

    Inauguration to the "AI cancel-culture" fraternity 1997...
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    • Phil B.
      Field Supervisor

      10,000+ Posts
      • Jul 2016
      • 22804

      Re: Rise Of Technology

      Originally posted by NeoMatrix
      Does any one watch the SBS TV channel documentary series call "MotherBoard"
      I cannot find the latest TV episode that shows directly how hackers use computer printers to hack into any electronic device in a room.
      The following is a youtube primer for the SBS show "Motherboard"
      I haven't seen it in the SE USA.
      But back to your questions,
      I remember working on the crank mimeograph units..( can the old fart jokes ;-) )
      Chain driven copiers
      10mb HDD for a PS-2 @ $2400

      so YEAH tech has changed.. EDLIN? most IT folks never heard of it .. mostly drag n drop now

      yeah old fart (jokes OK now!)


      • NeoMatrix
        Senior Tech.

        2,500+ Posts
        • Nov 2010
        • 3514

        Re: Rise Of Technology

        Originally posted by Phil B.


        EDLIN? most IT folks never heard of it .. mostly drag n drop now

        yeah old fart (jokes OK now!)
        Are you referring to EDLIN the C/PM software code on the 8080 microprocessor?
        Inauguration to the "AI cancel-culture" fraternity 1997...
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        • Phil B.
          Field Supervisor

          10,000+ Posts
          • Jul 2016
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          Re: Rise Of Technology

          Originally posted by NeoMatrix
          Are you referring to EDLIN the C/PM software code on the 8080 microprocessor?
          yup the old command line editor ...


          • Kidaver

            500+ Posts
            • Apr 2011
            • 912

            Re: Rise Of Technology

            I'm a huge Aston Martin fan as I love the cars and love watching them race but this here really interests me if they can pull this off.

            "In a cruel and evil world, being cynical can allow you to get some entertainment out of it."


            • NeoMatrix
              Senior Tech.

              2,500+ Posts
              • Nov 2010
              • 3514

              Re: Rise Of Technology

              Originally posted by Kidaver
              I'm a huge Aston Martin fan as I love the cars and love watching them race but this here really interests me if they can pull this off.

              snip to save bandwidth...

              Re : Flying car

              Very nice concept car in design from Austin Martin Lagonda.
              Inverse gravity is already reality. There are some technical hurdles to over come but it will be reality in our future.

              There is two main areas of gravidic electronic propulsion engines.

              1. Atmospheric propulsion
              Atmospheric propulsion uses the pressure of the atmosphere to push the craft into a forward created vacuum.
              Hypersonic flight,any where on Earth in 30mins. Atmosphere propulsion is embarrassingly simple. It makes all of our previous efforts of mechanical flight look like a D11 bulldozer at a childs birthday party.

              2. Space Propulsion
              Space propulsion uses a toroidal/donut plasma field around the craft to phase matter between magnetic lines of force.
              A complete understanding of natural forces is required to be able to understand plasma force field propulsion.
              I don't profess to fully understand space propulsion, I just find the subject interesting.
              Inauguration to the "AI cancel-culture" fraternity 1997...
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              • BLADE
                former propeller tester

                250+ Posts
                • Dec 2009
                • 478

                Re: Rise Of Technology

                was listening to someone (or something) talking about artificial intelligence on the radio while driving about and the topic came up about how Artificial Intelligence is getting to the point where it could sue for damages if people say something degrading or hurtfull about the device or software and that's why I say AI is FANTASTIC !! (suck suck suck)


                • Phil B.
                  Field Supervisor

                  10,000+ Posts
                  • Jul 2016
                  • 22804

                  Re: Rise Of Technology

                  Originally posted by BLADE
                  was listening to someone (or something) talking about artificial intelligence on the radio while driving about and the topic came up about how Artificial Intelligence is getting to the point where it could sue for damages if people say something degrading or hurtfull about the device or software and that's why I say AI is FANTASTIC !! (suck suck suck)
                  WOW! so now do we have to use the appropriate pro-noun when addressing the IA also? Shall we setup special places with hot coco and coloring books for the hurt AI feelings?

                  this is really silly if it is true.

                  now I DO understand the detriments of a society run by AI. And I can see where some people are concerned on how well they can use AI to create audio clips that ACTUALLY sound like the 'supposed' person. They can digitize movements and superimpose CGI images over top the movement and make it look like the actual person walking/running/jumping... so when you think about that ( china being the foremost in this field ) whats to say they couldn't come out with a video of say... DJT in a Russian bed with two hookers peeing on the bed as he smokes from a crack pipe!?

                  kinda sheds a whole new light on that scenario doesn't it? hmmmmmm


                  • NeoMatrix
                    Senior Tech.

                    2,500+ Posts
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 3514

                    Re: Rise Of Technology

                    Originally posted by BLADE
                    was listening to someone (or something) talking about artificial intelligence on the radio while driving about and the topic came up about how Artificial Intelligence is getting to the point where it could sue for damages if people say something degrading or hurtfull about the device or software and that's why I say AI is FANTASTIC !! (suck suck suck)
                    That fact that we are debating the "AI topic" itself is more so the valid point.
                    There a legal,ethical an moral issues that raise very serious questions for the future of humanity.

                    Blade raises a valid point.
                    The facts that AI can be to used sue people at the drop of a dime.
                    Such be the case it would stifle free speech and the freedom to express points of view.
                    There goes the constitution and bill of human rights.
                    There goes art and creativity, for the sake of upsetting someone emotion.

                    Phil raises a valid point.
                    Do we use AI to issue crayons and colouring books to those who express their free will once,twice or 100 times before big AI brother steps in?
                    If there are people with emotional problems and ill heath. Do those people get AI to sue the whole world every time they get upset?

                    The AI topic is open for interpretation from either end of the spectrum.
                    Inauguration to the "AI cancel-culture" fraternity 1997...
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                    • Phil B.
                      Field Supervisor

                      10,000+ Posts
                      • Jul 2016
                      • 22804

                      Re: Rise Of Technology

                      Originally posted by NeoMatrix
                      Phil raises a valid point.
                      Do we use AI to issue crayons and colouring books to those who express their free will once,twice or 100 times before big AI brother steps in?
                      -= If there are people with emotional problems and ill heath. Do those people get AI to sue the whole world every time they get upset? =-
                      The AI topic is open for interpretation from either end of the spectrum.
                      ah but do you remember Star Trek : TNG? Data = Android w/ feelings et al.

                      WHAT IF society deems them " sanctioned" and then they turn around and become cop/judge/jury/executioner?

                      yes I brought "SCI-Fi" into the picture... but frankly ..31 yrs in THIS industry ( PCs before ) I have seen some INCREDIBLE advances... and I'm not really in the " high tech " industry ( 3D printing is cool tho ) but sometimes I read the " innovation " mags... and talk w/ a pal that is in cybersecurity crap... and .... just makes this old fart go "DAMN! WOW! hmmmmmmmm "


                      • NeoMatrix
                        Senior Tech.

                        2,500+ Posts
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 3514

                        Re: Rise Of Technology

                        Originally posted by Phil B.
                        ah but do you remember Star Trek : TNG? Data = Android w/ feelings et al.
                        Re: StarTrek :
                        The Android call "Data" in the StarTrek series bring to mind a valid point.

                        As I believe the android Data has no bodily nervous system.
                        Without a central nervous system a robotic Android could not have emotional responsive feelings.
                        A robotic Android could analyse a cognitive pattern and deduce that the pattern as logical match to a human emotion.
                        If the robotic Android determines the cognitive human pattern is "anger", does Android draw his laser weapon an terminate the human subject?
                        Judge,jury and executioner from the stand point of an AI machine. What happens if the AI machine was faulty...?

                        Who gets to determine/program which human emotion or state of mind "AI Pattern" is positive ,negative or ready to terminate?
                        Inauguration to the "AI cancel-culture" fraternity 1997...
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                        • NeoMatrix
                          Senior Tech.

                          2,500+ Posts
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 3514

                          Re: Rise Of Technology

                          Originally posted by Phil B.
                          They can digitize movements and superimpose CGI images over top the movement and make it look like the actual person walking/running/jumping...
                          I've been vocal about the above CGI for years.
                          The fact that Facebook, Google and other info-companies have free access to peoples personal photos, and are legally allowed to use those photos in advertisements is a worry. When subscribing to the info-companies you give up your rights, an allow the info companies to use your personal photos.

                          What is to prevent the info companies from using your childs or spouses photos in soft or hard core porn adverts, and worse? There are plenty of vocal complains on the internet with a persons face superimposed on celebrity's naked body and visa versa. What is to prevent a person manipulating a CGI photo and placing that person hanging out of an animal (bestiality)? People are quick to believe that everything is as they see it...

                          Why do people only ever rememeber the bad deeds of others, instead of all their positive attributes?
                          Inauguration to the "AI cancel-culture" fraternity 1997...
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                          • Phil B.
                            Field Supervisor

                            10,000+ Posts
                            • Jul 2016
                            • 22804

                            Re: Rise Of Technology

                            Originally posted by NeoMatrix
                            I've been vocal about the above CGI for years.
                            The fact that Facebook, Google and other info-companies have free access to peoples personal photos, and are legally allowed to use those photos in advertisements is a worry. When subscribing to the info-companies you give up your rights, an allow the info companies to use your personal photos.

                            What is to prevent the info companies from using your childs or spouses photos in soft or hard core porn adverts, and worse? There are plenty of vocal complains on the internet with a persons face superimposed on celebrity's naked body and visa versa. What is to prevent a person manipulating a CGI photo and placing that person hanging out of an animal (bestiality)? People are quick to believe that everything is as they see it...

                            Why do people only ever rememeber the bad deeds of others, instead of all their positive attributes?
                            people only remember things about others due to their own issues/problems. Look at life Johnny blames Todd for stealing his phone... but in reality ... it was tommy's phone that Johnny stole.

                            i on the other hand try to look at the bright/good side of a situation.... but even then I can't help forget how that person screwed me over.. and that makes it harder to trust people. There are snakes in every yard.... but just be aware if they are poisonous or not.


                            • guitar9199
                              Service Manager

                              Site Contributor
                              1,000+ Posts
                              • Sep 2016
                              • 1097

                              Re: Rise Of Technology

                              Originally posted by Phil B.
                              yup the old command line editor ...
                              I remember when having a 20 MEG HDD and 640 K of RAM was a big deal!! You didn't need a "Boot Disk" to bring your IBM 8088 Computer up!!

                              Dual 5 1/2" floppy disk drives.... Green screen monochrome CRT monitor... 9 pin Dot matrix printer!! yeah BUDDY!!

                              ...I also remember Punch Cards and Punch Tape too....

                              Can't remember what I had for lunch, but I can remember THIS junk!

