Copytechnet Forum

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  • sharpie
    Trusted Tech

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    Copytechnet Forum

    I must be one of a dying generation that had courtesy, customer service, and integrity as a core business model. My intent when joining Copytechnet was to contribute to and benefit from the collective knowledge of the professionals in our industry. When I respond to a question or have a solution to someone's headache its because I have experienced the issue and have a solution or feel I can contribute to the knowledge base as a whole. If I care (which I don't) if someone is "factory trained" or not because of the nature of their question or need a reason for why they have the gall to ask [the service elite] for help then I don't provide a response. I believe it represents a lack of character on my part if my response is to call out someone's question with a response that is only meant to show everyone else I am above answering your question based on how smart I think am. You know who you are, I see this crap all the time on here. If you don't have a solution or want to help then shut the fuck up and don't respond.
  • Phil B.
    Field Supervisor

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    Re: Copytechnet Forum

    Originally posted by sharpie
    I must be one of a dying generation that had courtesy, customer service, and integrity as a core business model. My intent when joining Copytechnet was to contribute to and benefit from the collective knowledge of the professionals in our industry. When I respond to a question or have a solution to someone's headache its because I have experienced the issue and have a solution or feel I can contribute to the knowledge base as a whole. If I care (which I don't) if someone is "factory trained" or not because of the nature of their question or need a reason for why they have the gall to ask [the service elite] for help then I don't provide a response. I believe it represents a lack of character on my part if my response is to call out someone's question with a response that is only meant to show everyone else I am above answering your question based on how smart I think am. You know who you are, I see this crap all the time on here. If you don't have a solution or want to help then shut the fuck up and don't respond.
    try taking your own advice shut the fuck up and don't respond


    • sharpie
      Trusted Tech

      100+ Posts
      • Feb 2011
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      Re: Copytechnet Forum

      And you know who your are!


      • BillyCarpenter
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        Re: Copytechnet Forum

        Originally posted by sharpie
        I must be one of a dying generation that had courtesy, customer service, and integrity as a core business model. My intent when joining Copytechnet was to contribute to and benefit from the collective knowledge of the professionals in our industry. When I respond to a question or have a solution to someone's headache its because I have experienced the issue and have a solution or feel I can contribute to the knowledge base as a whole. If I care (which I don't) if someone is "factory trained" or not because of the nature of their question or need a reason for why they have the gall to ask [the service elite] for help then I don't provide a response. I believe it represents a lack of character on my part if my response is to call out someone's question with a response that is only meant to show everyone else I am above answering your question based on how smart I think am. You know who you are, I see this crap all the time on here. If you don't have a solution or want to help then shut the fuck up and don't respond.
        What in the world? Chill out. This place has been nothing short of great to me. And if you think you're smart, you should read some posts from some of the experts on this site...they're REALLY smart. Really, really smart.
        Adversity temporarily visits a strong man but stays with the weak for a lifetime.


        • jmaister
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          Re: Copytechnet Forum

          Originally posted by sharpie
          I must be one of a dying generation that had courtesy, customer service, and integrity as a core business model. My intent when joining Copytechnet was to contribute to and benefit from the collective knowledge of the professionals in our industry. When I respond to a question or have a solution to someone's headache its because I have experienced the issue and have a solution or feel I can contribute to the knowledge base as a whole. If I care (which I don't) if someone is "factory trained" or not because of the nature of their question or need a reason for why they have the gall to ask [the service elite] for help then I don't provide a response. I believe it represents a lack of character on my part if my response is to call out someone's question with a response that is only meant to show everyone else I am above answering your question based on how smart I think am. You know who you are, I see this crap all the time on here. If you don't have a solution or want to help then shut the fuck up and don't respond.
          ever heard of what a enabler is? I dont prefer to reinforce lazyness. theres alot of them here from time to time...(one hit wonder posts, you know where they are)

          if someone went out of their way to search for an answer, got no hits. come here, look for help given the following

          1. you have used the search function
          2. you have exhausted options available to you (factory certified or not)

          then, happy to help

          Kyocera has sort of keep their QA up to date since techs were starting to use it more, Canon and Konica are generally pretty good. and HP? have a six pack with ya, just in case you get lost in their WISE search function.

          but since few years ago, there has been many lazy attempts here. I backed away from forum because even half arse solution has been posted. there has been less attempt to find what "solution" is, but more so temporary workarounds.

          But this is not to say this forum in its entirety has gone bad, but the "anything goes" culture in the younger generation is showing here sometimes as well.

          i dont see any reason for animosity tho.
          Last edited by jmaister; 01-21-2021, 01:13 AM.
          Idling colour developers are not healthy developers.


          • allan

            5,000+ Posts
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            Re: Copytechnet Forum

            One of the main reasons i like the site is because its by technicians for technicians. Also enjoy the community. Would be good if we can be patience with each other. Then there are guys that really should not be on the other end of a tool.

            What about a 20 pointer quiz on printer theory that needs to be passed before you can sign-up for an account. Keep the riffraff out.
            Just kidding.


            • tsbservice
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              Re: Copytechnet Forum

              Originally posted by jmaister

              if someone went out of their way to search for an answer, got no hits. come here, look for help given the following

              1. you have used the search function
              2. you have exhausted options available to you (factory certified or not)

              then, happy to help

              Absolutely agree! Unfortunately the likes seems to be under 1% ...
              Truly lazy society today. Sometimes I'm close to the point being disgusted and it ain't going any better.
              A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost, he who sows courtesy, reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
              Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.


              • Debs1964
                Service Manager

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                Re: Copytechnet Forum

                Originally posted by sharpie
                I must be one of a dying generation that had courtesy, customer service, and integrity as a core business model. My intent when joining Copytechnet was to contribute to and benefit from the collective knowledge of the professionals in our industry. When I respond to a question or have a solution to someone's headache its because I have experienced the issue and have a solution or feel I can contribute to the knowledge base as a whole. If I care (which I don't) if someone is "factory trained" or not because of the nature of their question or need a reason for why they have the gall to ask [the service elite] for help then I don't provide a response. I believe it represents a lack of character on my part if my response is to call out someone's question with a response that is only meant to show everyone else I am above answering your question based on how smart I think am. You know who you are, I see this crap all the time on here. If you don't have a solution or want to help then shut the fuck up and don't respond.
                100% agree, when I first joined this was a really friendly site, I've had a few years where I wasn't particularly active, I've recently come back on, and all I see is name calling, rudeness, and trying to prove you're better than someone else. To my mind, if I have no helpful input, then I don't say anything at all
                There are 10 types of people in this world, those who understand binary maths and those who don't


                • slimslob

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                  Re: Copytechnet Forum

                  Originally posted by allan
                  One of the main reasons i like the site is because its by technicians for technicians. Also enjoy the community. Would be good if we can be patience with each other. Then there are guys that really should not be on the other end of a tool.

                  What about a 20 pointer quiz on printer theory that needs to be passed before you can sign-up for an account. Keep the riffraff out.
                  Just kidding.
                  Once again I have to say "Where is the laugh button?"


                  • tsbservice
                    Field tech

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                    Re: Copytechnet Forum

                    Originally posted by slimslob
                    Once again I have to say "Where is the laugh button?"
                    I heard today this phrase "driving is simple thing...but it's not for simple people"
                    Maybe just pass very basic intelligence test for membership?
                    Besides allan is one of the coolest guys around here and I generally don't agree that this forum should be only sterile place for best professionals. Some moderate degree of entertainment should be added to keep this place alive.
                    A tree is known by its fruit, a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost, he who sows courtesy, reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love.
                    Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves, for they shall never cease to be amused.


                    • slimslob

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                      Re: Copytechnet Forum

                      Originally posted by tsbservice
                      Maybe just pass very basic intelligence test for membership?
                      Besides allan is one of the coolest guys around here and I generally don't agree that this forum should be only sterile place for best professionals. Some moderate degree of entertainment should be added to keep this place alive.
                      I think that being able to post a proper introduction in the Newbie Check In! And it does not need to be in English. I know how to use Google translate. P would rather use Google translate than try to decipher some of the broken English I have seen. Most people can explain things better in the language that they are most comfortable using.


                      • copier tech
                        Field Supervisor

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                        • Jan 2014
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                        Re: Copytechnet Forum

                        Originally posted by Debs1964
                        100% agree, when I first joined this was a really friendly site, I've had a few years where I wasn't particularly active, I've recently come back on, and all I see is name calling, rudeness, and trying to prove you're better than someone else. To my mind, if I have no helpful input, then I don't say anything at all

                        I can't agree more, this site has helped me so much over the years.

                        However we have the 'ignore button'

                        This helps me filter out these users who have no constructive input so I never see their post again, job done.

                        Let us eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow we may die!

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